calculating stuff... 05:28:27.0943
calculating ended! 05:28:27.4063
play action
play: Selfless Hero (48) target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 122 ms.
[UseAt] 4
calculating stuff... 05:28:30.8025
calculating ended! 05:28:30.8095
play action
play: Steward of Darkshire (39) target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 104 ms.
[UseAt] 4
calculating ended! 05:28:27.4063
play action
play: Selfless Hero (48) target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 122 ms.
[UseAt] 4
calculating stuff... 05:28:30.8025
calculating ended! 05:28:30.8095
play action
play: Steward of Darkshire (39) target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 104 ms.
[UseAt] 4