This is really the only problem I have run into. Reading forum posts, and guide, almost everyone uses acronyms, and to the new, or inexperienced, user, it is REALLY quite frustrating. Like I see ppl talking about IB alot in CC's,(Custom Classes btw) and I STILL do not know what IB is...Other than that, the bot works beautifully, with the only blemishs being the pvp function, and the fact that a lot of the things you were use to in Pirox needs plugins for it to work with HB. The absolute shining star of HB is the combat abilities of it. I would HIGHLY recommend searching and downloading Lazyraider if you do anything other than herb/mining, it has become an invaluable plugin for me =DOnce you get passed the initial confusion of setting it up (The guides sometimes assume you know what "this" or "that" is)
pvp tools 1-85 bots were very very unstable and very noticeable.
and you can import profiles from otherbots?! thats amazing.
How exactly did you level 2 1-85 toons pvp questing etc