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Jan 21, 2012
"You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15050
You are currently on build #15050"

I've been trying to fix this for about an hour now and no dice. I just bought HonorBuddy and I've followed the guides and it won't work. I'm on a 64-bit laptop, and I have WoW in windowed mode, and have it started up before launching HonorBuddy. I still get this message, however. Help, please.
I have, but I shall get back to you after doing it again once more. Thankyou for the quick response btw :)
Sorry, I just did it again and it doesn't seem ot be working.
I get to around Step 3, and instead of being greeted with the normal screen, I get the "You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15050
You are currently on build #15050"

Any help would go a long way.
.net framework 3.5 is installed?
wow is 100% patched?
wow is in screen mode? (Hb wont work in fullscreen mode)
Log in to wow make sure you are in game, then open and log in to honorbuddy! make sure WoW is on direct x 9!
Would it make a difference if my process was called Wow.exe *32, since I'm running the 32-bit version on a 64 bit OS?
that error only comes out if it's in fullscreen mode, or another bot is already attached

Works in fullscreen for me (not windowed fullscreen, like, legitimate fullscreen where alt+tabbing stops rendering)
With another HB attached it throws the version is #0 not #{CurrentVersion}
Would it make a difference if my process was called Wow.exe *32, since I'm running the 32-bit version on a 64 bit OS?
no it wouldnt

Bullet Points
WoW needs to be running in windowed mode
WoW Needs to be IN GAME and Zoned In
WoW Needs to be running in direct x 9 graphics mode in your Advanced Video Options.
WoW Cannot be Minimized.
Honorbuddy and WoW need to be run as Administorator
.Net Framwork 3.5 Sp1 NEEDS to be installed, 3.5 sp1 is NOT the same as 1.0, 2.0 or 4.0