I recentlu started trying to use gather buddy, ive been using the honor buddy for quite some time now, and wanted to try gather buddy to make some cash, and i must be doing sumthing wrong i have the gatherbuddy thing downloaded but it never attache's to my attach just sits as it is when opened. My honor buddy when i try to select Gatherbuddy2 tells me, Starting the bot!
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Can someone help can provide skype contact or email if would make easier.
Thank you in advance great program.
I recentlu started trying to use gather buddy, ive been using the honor buddy for quite some time now, and wanted to try gather buddy to make some cash, and i must be doing sumthing wrong i have the gatherbuddy thing downloaded but it never attache's to my attach just sits as it is when opened. My honor buddy when i try to select Gatherbuddy2 tells me, Starting the bot!
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Can someone help can provide skype contact or email if would make easier.
Thank you in advance great program.