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Jan 15, 2010
In settings the slider is gone to change mount distance I have reinstalled same issue, I have manually edited this setting inside the user settings file in the correct character folder. The value stays but the bot simply ignores and mounts even when mobs are 5 yards away then dismounts and fights the mob rinses and repeats. Tested with multiple cc's including singular same issue.


screenshot of what im talking about.
the setting got removed,by mistake "Mount Distance" its still there :P
we will remove it as well
ahh man that stinks....that was a great feature because default it looked way to bottish mounting and unmounting between every quest mob at times
Ok that sounds good, can you also have them look at changing the bot to stop dismounting when accepting and turning in quests? That looks super bottish as well when everyone around you is staying mounted and you come up dismounting every time you are accepting and turning in quests...no human player does that

Thank you
Last edited:
...look at changing the bot to stop dismounting when accepting and turning in quests? That looks super bottish as well when everyone around you is staying mounted and you come up dismounting every time you are accepting and turning in quests...no human player does that
Hi, Leetdemon,

This is not always possible:
  • Some quest NPCs require that you 'face them' to turnin/pickup
  • Some quest NPCs require that you 'dismount' to turnin/pickup
  • A few quest NPCs require both
  • Most quest NPCs (nowadays) require neither
There is no way to tell a-priori which action a quest NPC needs for interaction (its determined server-side), so the Questing bot has always erred on the 'conservative' side of facing & dismounting before interaction.

Over time, Bliz has greatly relaxed the constraints such that now most NPCs do not have the constraints. Historically, the constraints are 'in place' for new expansions, then relaxed as the expansion ages—about the same time as they allow flying in a new expansion.

Nevertheless, we've already an open feature request against this: HB-2721("Try to <PickUp> or <TurnIn> without dismounting first...") to have the Questing bot improved as much as possible.

Hi, Leetdemon,

This is not always possible:
  • Some quest NPCs require that you 'face them' to turnin/pickup
  • Some quest NPCs require that you 'dismount' to turnin/pickup
  • A few quest NPCs require both
  • Most quest NPCs (nowadays) require neither
There is no way to tell a-priori which action a quest NPC needs for interaction (its determined server-side), so the Questing bot has always erred on the 'conservative' side of facing & dismounting before interaction.

Over time, Bliz has greatly relaxed the constraints such that now most NPCs do not have the constraints. Historically, the constraints are 'in place' for new expansions, then relaxed as the expansion ages—about the same time as they allow flying in a new expansion.

Nevertheless, we've already an open feature request against this: HB-2721("Try to <PickUp> or <TurnIn> without dismounting first...") to have the Questing bot improved as much as possible.


While I understand what you're saying there is another un-named bot that already does not dismount when turning in quests and ive had 0 issues going 1-100 with it. So its very possible. When playing by hand Ive never had a time come up except on one quest on the horde side where the quest giver was inside of a building and my mount was too big to get in that I have needed to dismount to turn a quest in. Facing is a different issue there is no reason you cant face without having to dismount. I am glad you have the request open but as it stands this is super bottish and would making spotting the bot so easy...
and for the record Im not trying to be a B word I love you guys and appreciate everything you guys do. I love HB. I just want to improve the program which will decrease detections imo. <3