anyone know about patch. we talk about update to new patch not only HB3, but temporary HB2. because HB3 not support some good gold farming profiles.BOT doesn't work anymore since this morning. New server update
Hope they gonna fix soon
That decision is not for you to make though.Yes, as long as HB3 doesn't work as it should HB2 must be kept updated and working. Not everyone is yet hyped by legion...
sure, but we ask developers to help HB community and support BOTH version (keep updated HB2 and HB3), because this affect gold farm!That decision is not for you to make though.
So those of us who cannot afford to subscribe to legionbuddy are being left to rot and not getting the service we paid for when we bought HB by not getting it updated anymore? I think thats terrible customer service on behalf of Bossland. seems like he's turning into a Blizzard empire where he is only considering the amount of money he can make rather than the loyal customer base he has built up over the years. Such a shame and i hope i am wrong. I cannot afford to subscribe to legionbuddy and most of the routines i have bought are no longer getting support because their developers have left the community.
what are you talking about - legionbuddy is a rotation bot - HB is still HB - unfortunately HB3 was rolled out too early - and now after patch we will most likely left with HB3 which has no dungeoning, and all quest profiles need to be rewritten plus countless unfixed issuesBut yet you get what you paid for, you get HB3
I love you!That decision is not for you to make though.
hmmm... how much time this takes??? my bots waste opinion, all profiles which stored in buddy shop, need to be transferred to HB3
we talk about HB2 and HB3Legion has been out for three days and people expect hb to be fully working.... think about it.