I was looking to purchase Buddywing. I spent some time at other websites in order to determine wether to purchase this bot or not. Its seems easier to use than other bots I have come across but I have a few pressing questions.
1. ownedcore stated in order to find a bot you would like you must first read the boards of said bot to see what if any there are any issues: With that in mind, am I to take it that this bot does not mount and therefore like the earlier bots in WOW it is a dead give away that the person behind each character is a bot if it do not mount?
2. My friends and I do not wish to pay big sum if problems are not addressed in a time manner. So reading through boards would you say that GM/Dev is timely and answer right away? We just wish to bot in ease and not so much have to be ones to complain that issues are not addressed.
3. I see that people in community reply here. So is the bot manly a bot run by comunity? If so what are the Dev's doing? I wish to be part a people and not so a person but if peoblems are only solve by other botters then why trust bot?
Sorry for questions but me and freinds, doznes from Aion and want to play this game but ownedcore said this is best bot and we don't want to spend the money we think if the bot is broken most time.
Thannk Yuo
1. ownedcore stated in order to find a bot you would like you must first read the boards of said bot to see what if any there are any issues: With that in mind, am I to take it that this bot does not mount and therefore like the earlier bots in WOW it is a dead give away that the person behind each character is a bot if it do not mount?
2. My friends and I do not wish to pay big sum if problems are not addressed in a time manner. So reading through boards would you say that GM/Dev is timely and answer right away? We just wish to bot in ease and not so much have to be ones to complain that issues are not addressed.
3. I see that people in community reply here. So is the bot manly a bot run by comunity? If so what are the Dev's doing? I wish to be part a people and not so a person but if peoblems are only solve by other botters then why trust bot?
Sorry for questions but me and freinds, doznes from Aion and want to play this game but ownedcore said this is best bot and we don't want to spend the money we think if the bot is broken most time.
Thannk Yuo