i installed the newest HB a day or so ago and havent actually had time to babysit the bot and watch it....UNTIL LAST NITE......I can run wow myself getting an average of 40+ fps and a lil over 60 fps at times.....As soon as I run HB and it loads spell book andI choose Ensemble as my CC, wow immediately lags, and from there on my frames dip to 10 fps, and as low as 3 fps....I played for over 2 hours myself and it was smooth as silk....I even pulled my video card, and tried my onboard, updated all drivers, and checked everything else....is anyone else having such problems with the newest HB??? My system is 5 months old, 4 gigs of ram.....I have ran wow everyday lag free and no issues till this update....My internet connection isnt the issue either....its steady at 166ms........