Is there any way to run a botbase or something that notes all your stops, exact locations for where an npc you interact with is, note events like say looting an egg and an angry bird spawns, etc? It could even note your flight path to perhaps assist in providing safe travel routes considering what a layered mess the sea of clouds is
Personally, I'd be happy to run a background bot for when I'm actually doing Vanu Bank or class quests or hunting logs, then I could just upload each activity's log.
I'm in no way suggesting that I'm above just taking some notes or just too lazy. I planned to do that for the crafting leve profile before an awesomely eager author took my pointers about the crafting leve database that optimized for you and grabbed it himself. It's just that it occurred to me that while a laundry list of coordinates is plenty helpful, if the program collated the data it's mining from actual playtime well, it could probably result in not only providing raw information on everything from where a particular monster hangs out or which npc accepts a completed quest, but could likely lead to all kinds of insight beyond how to perform task X and into how the bot can perform task X in a way that is more human.
An example of what someone with real programming knowledge might do with volunteered logs: an arcing flight path around the giant crystal and that navigates under the platform to the other side, then turning around to sneeze on that box which would be obscured by housing structures and trees had the bot come from behind on a logical point a to b to c. Suddenly a hundred physical obstacles have just been avoided.
I mean, if I end up less swamped today, I may very well end up taking notes and measurements on locations etc as I do the quests and posting it. My idea may be totally useless as I'm not really sure just what the logs as they are now do and don't record. But I was reading the thread and I guess I took the idea of community crowdsourced data and tried to think of what it could do besides just a table of names and coordinates.