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New Account - What shall I level???


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
I had my accounts banned, fresh account now! Lessons learned blah blah blah.

I am going to slow it down and just play one for a while, I just do not know what I want to level now. This is a toon I am going to stick with for a while, get the gear and play for a while.

Mage - Never have played one, period, leveling one now, just to see. Lvl 12.
Shaman - Easy to level (Shamwow)
Pally - Just easy to level in general
??? - Any other input you guys have.
Mabye even a rogue.

I just dont know!

Whats your opinion?
Well while leveling a priest,I've learned that maybe my next two characters should be healers,cause I seems to have less problems using instancebuddy as a healer,where as a dps,I tend to get complaints about my dps,or just generally not doing enough damage etc...
i always used to start iwth a druid.. just cuz they are the best.. but lately when i do a new server, i start with a shaman so i can pvp for heirlooms with shamwow... that'd be my suggestion
There's one piece of general advice I give to everyone who wants to start a toon:
What do you enjoy playing?! That's what you should take.

Yes, the Shaman is uberawesome with ShamWOW at the moment but mainly as Enhancement. If you enjoy melee hand-to-hand combat then by all means go for it!
If you enjoy caster/healer then I can recommend *against* just about all classes as none of them bot very well. They're just too fragile. Warlock is the best of the casters as it has a pet to soak up stuff. Shaman might just be the best of the healers as, again, it has ShamWOW (and it can take a lot more of a beating then Druid/Priest can).
Thanks for the feedback....

Im leaning towards hunter for some reason. Played it before, was alot of fun...

Ugh, I still cant make a decision
I have to say that I love my Pally... Ret is great when I want to do some dps damage and then I can switch to Holy if I want to be a very hard target healer in a BG... LOOOOVEEE watching rogues jump on me and fail long enough for others to jump on them and then they die.

The other day in a bg when I was healing I literally got jumped on by a rogue and then a death knight in between nodes... both were starting to work me down for about 15-20 seconds when I had a friendly shaman join in. He took care of the rogue pretty quickly but the dk kept jumping on me and trying to work me down then the shaman would keep hitting him (and I kept us both healthy)... took about 2 full minutes but that dk finally died and the shaman and I rode off into the sunset together... Well, into the next battle that is... My holy pally isn't that wonderfully geared either... close to 3k resil so far.