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New 6 month suspension ban.


Oct 6, 2012

As many of you are aware there is a big 6 month suspension ban going around. I am a very safe botter. I have been botting since they came out. Always watched them, had a wow glider ban in the day when that happened. I used pirox until it shut down then switched to this. I've botted on my main accounts (3) and never had a problem until now.

I mainly don't play the game as much as I use to. I was making mad god off garrisons. I would say I made close to a million gold this expansion. Today a few hours ago I received the 6 month ban on all three of those accounts at the exact same time.

Now, what do you think is causing this? I only botted garrison with Garrisonboss.

Also what do you think the chances of appealing this ban are?

Chance ?

It's guaranteed to be zero if you stand around and don't appeal it.

You're already suspended, nothing bad can come from appealing it.
No i'm wondering if this is one of those "You CANNOT be unbanned" situations. Like with Diablo 3, botted then and if you got caught it was no appeal just banned for life no if and's or buts about it.

I played US.

I will be appealing tomorrow and write up something :).
Hello Support,

My names , I am a college student and an avid video game player. I have been a long time World of warcraft supporter and I was doing a bit of garrison work today and I was abruptly disconnected and tried logging in and it said I was suspended for 6 months. I don't get much time to play this game now that schools a bit more serious. I am actually happy blizzard added something a bit easier for me to do. I hang around the garrison and do missions and collect things here and there. I rarely get time to explore and do other things. I had a lot of free time and leveled up a bunch characters in all my spare time. Anyways i'm just curious as to what happened and I would really appreciate some support on the matter. I hope to resolve this and I will be checking my email regularly in hopes to speak with someone. I'm not sure if I need to talk to someone over the phone or submit a ticket. I feel a bit upset by this, I really enjoy leveling up followers and working towards building a cool team. I do hope to hear back!

Kind regards,

13 hours ago
Customer Service Representative
An additional review of the action has been completed. We have confirmed our initial findings, and the action will not be reversed or changed.

We understand that you may still have concerns regarding the action, but we must reiterate that it was taken to address a violation of the Terms of Use and End User License Agreement (Blizzard Entertainment:Blizzard Legal Documentation), which all players accept before logging into the game.

To clear up a bit about the action on your account, the account was suspended for 6 months because we detected that the account was using third party programs with WoW. These programs could be botting programs, hack programs, programs which alter game files directly, anything of that nature. The use of third party programs is not allowed for World of Warcraft.

That said, Add-ons are okay to use as they are not *programs* which interact with WoW. Addons are files which adjust the interface of WoW (.LUA file extensions); whereas a third party program is a program which interacts with WoW directly (.exe and similar file extensions). Essentially if there is a program that is opened while WoW is open which sends and receives data with the game due to it being open, it would be best to avoid these programs as we we can detect when they are being used and who is using them.

The general rule of thumb; if it is not considered an add-on and you are not sure if it is okay to use, best to avoid it.

We understand that these policies may seem harsh, but they are in place to ensure that every player is able to enjoy their time in our games. Thank you for respecting our position.
Something to do with Tuanha's free CR or Garrisonboss is detectable.

Guess no WoW for 6 months. Maybe some other force is telling me I need to put more time somewhere else. Goodluck folks no chance of overturning the 6 month suspension. They probably have a way of detecting something now and once found your done for 6 months. Wonder why its not perma ban now, maybe they are doing some tricky scanning thing and are being generous. Or a nice policy?