Snow lilly farm by Huffdady
Start at onekeg. Mail is included, no repair as I have my toon set to never repair.
To change or add a hotspot go into the file and delete the line with the Coords to the bad place. To add go to dev tools and get the Coords, then add into the profile with copy paste.
Please report back on how it does or if there are any problems. If there are any bad spots where toons get stuck, please post the closest hotspot from the profile to the bug, or i won't even try to go find the hotspot and fix it.
View attachment Snow Lilly Farm by Huffdady123.xml
Start at onekeg. Mail is included, no repair as I have my toon set to never repair.
To change or add a hotspot go into the file and delete the line with the Coords to the bad place. To add go to dev tools and get the Coords, then add into the profile with copy paste.
Please report back on how it does or if there are any problems. If there are any bad spots where toons get stuck, please post the closest hotspot from the profile to the bug, or i won't even try to go find the hotspot and fix it.
View attachment Snow Lilly Farm by Huffdady123.xml