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nesox's cc for affliction hb1

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Jan 15, 2010
Can anyone make this cc that worked with HB1 Work with hb2 ive used it a ton for pvp/multidotting grinding from 1-80 on a warlock and havent found anything better.

i duno what to do with the code as im not a programmer how to make it work with hb2 but please can someone make it go :( it says not a combat class or something i presume hb2 changed something with the cc's to make em no longer work from hb1.



Use Ski?s aff warlock CC, simply the best.
Its not but. its terrible it casts haunt in pvp it doesnt fear enuff it walks around like a headless chicken doesnt attack players on mounts. Read the code if ur a programmer Compare the difference ski's doesnt soulstone or use voids shield move to absorbdamage it doesnt act like a pvp warlock Who casts haunt corruption and dots people up then fears? while a warrior beats on you? cmon ive done my homework ive tested sk's for 5 days its awful. it may be ok for grinding but in pvp its a shocker.
Its not but. its terrible it casts haunt in pvp it doesnt fear enuff it walks around like a headless chicken doesnt attack players on mounts. Read the code if ur a programmer Compare the difference ski's doesnt soulstone or use voids shield move to absorbdamage it doesnt act like a pvp warlock Who casts haunt corruption and dots people up then fears? while a warrior beats on you? cmon ive done my homework ive tested sk's for 5 days its awful. it may be ok for grinding but in pvp its a shocker.

And where are your posts in my thread about adding or changing things? I'm not exactly a mind reader. Not attacking people on mounts is part of HB, which is why I've been trying to get it changed for a month. And who soulstones in pvp?
i never asked for you to add or change things you code your cc how you want its ur work im not gonna sit here and critizise ur work. Im just saying i like his better. It does the job. Me im a warlock i know how warlocks work in pvp i think nesox did too.
i never asked for you to add or change things you code your cc how you want its ur work im not gonna sit here and critizise ur work. Im just saying i like his better. It does the job. Me im a warlock i know how warlocks work in pvp i think nesox did too.

I know you didn't, I'm asking why you didn't. How can I improve it if people don't criticize it?
already meantioned a few things People run past you on mounts in bgs get behind you and charge you. haunt corruption curse unstable then drain life? whatever else its doin i duno watch a warlock in any bg they fear then dot fear again when it goes off howl of terror for aoe fear when people get up close whole point of a warlock is to keep them off you i duno how to make that work with code thats why i was askin for nesox's to be fixed it worked. Ive seriously gotten first place in wsg in damage on his cc I usally get voted out for being shit with yours is all i can say people go this has to be a bot no one could be this stupid not fearing on a warlock ya know.
i never asked for you to add or change things you code your cc how you want its ur work im not gonna sit here and critizise ur work. Im just saying i like his better. It does the job. Me im a warlock i know how warlocks work in pvp i think nesox did too.
ofc we have democracy and ofc you can release an edited version of a CC
i will not allowed to name as terrible another's user work...for me its just "take it or leave it" also if you can do it better just do it
criticize is welcome...but CC developers dont need criticize like "this is shit","this is bad" or "wtf this doesnt work"
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This is Ninko's lock btw, not Nesox's (asked him about updating it). Ninko isn't active anymore so I doubt he would do it. I'll look see if its possible to update it in a little bit.
i said i cant do better and i never released a edited cc of someone elses work i asked for it to be fixed with HB2 I never Wanted to call his work terrible He told me to. I dont like to critizise others thats why i never did. All i asked politely is for The current version of nesox's cc to be fixed to work with hB2 i dun get what is the matter.
Sorry ninko i kept saysin nesox wops my bad the dude um stopped updating back in HB1 days had to tweak alot of the stuff to make it customised nicely but it worked for pvp good.
thankyou if i knew how to do it my self i would i tried to but it come up with a billion errors due to my lack of knowledge :)
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