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Need some help, not sure what to do about this problem.


New Member
Feb 13, 2010
I've got a friend that bots like me and he was a total noob at this and we spent hours in vent talking about how to do this and that... Needless to say we have been wow friends for some time now until tonight when I check my bot only to discover he is using my personal private route :( He was not sure how to use ZAP and I told him that I would share my profile only as a way to learn on making profiles. Well tonight I check my bot and see him tailing me and running the route I told him was only for example purposes only. I was pondering the following.

1. Nicely tell him to fork over 50% of his profits

2. If he does not respect my wish I'll have no problem releasing the profile to the public as it currently mines 1000+ ore in 5 hours causing the route to become a known hot spot

I can't think of a third option, but I'm kinda pissed right now and not sure how to handle it, I guess I should've never sent him my profile..
And this ladies and gentlemen is why private profiles are private.

Why is he trying to farm the same thing at the same time as you? Does he not realise this is immensely stupid cutting both your profits in half and looking dodgy as hell to anyone watching.
Making a route is hardly rocket science either and if he can't use zaprecorder to make one I'm amazed he got as far as booting a pc up.

I'd personally get him to get a clue about it and realise its just stupid and he should mine/herb in a different place as it would be better gold/hour for both of you, which is just win/win really.
make a new profile and move on, no one owns the digital landscape that is world of warcraft.
And this ladies and gentlemen is why private profiles are private.

Why is he trying to farm the same thing at the same time as you? Does he not realise this is immensely stupid cutting both your profits in half and looking dodgy as hell to anyone watching.
Making a route is hardly rocket science either and if he can't use zaprecorder to make one I'm amazed he got as far as booting a pc up.

I'd personally get him to get a clue about it and realise its just stupid and he should mine/herb in a different place as it would be better gold/hour for both of you, which is just win/win really.

Well I've taught him everything about Honorbuddy and gave him the resources to learn and expand his knowledge and it's like he don't want to take the time to do so.. :( I finally talked to him last night and said look.. Either you create your own profile or you can rent my profile from me.. The sad thing is his bot was ninjaing my nodes and yes I agree with both of us loosing gold per/hr which is another reason why he needs to make his own and another thing is I only bot that profile for 8-9hrs a day 2-3 days a week and he goes balls out 15+ a day
Well if its a well known area on a high pop server he'll eventually get caught... v0v
problem is taken care of, but was kinda hoping he would've seen this post.