Dayum - I like this forum! Quicker answers than the Blizzard Support team, woah!
I'm in no way associated with the support team, I'm just a user who happens to feel like helping.
I have one more question: What is the easiest way to get XP? Dungeon with bot, all night?
It's all situational. Personally I prefer to use the questing bot until at least level 80. After that I will use mixed mode with questing and pvp to get to 85. People will warn you not to bot for long periods of time (more than 6-8 hours at time) fearing possible ban. Personally, I bot 20-30 hours at a time, and haven't seen a single "player reported" ban..
And if my character dies while using bot, then the bot will automaticly revive himself and move on playing?
Since I have never personally used the dungeon bot, I can't say with certainty that it will with that bot, but while using questing bot, it recovers from dying flawlessly 99% of the time. Some times it will get into a situation where it will die to a pack of mobs, and then resurrect, and die again to the same mobs and repeat the cycle over and over again.. If this happens, there could be a few things at fault. Bad profile, poorly performing custom class, having an undergeared toon on a high level quest, etc. The best solution (in my opinion) is to fix what is causing the issue and move on.
And one more: Can I just let my computer be turned on the whole night, gathering XP, without anything happens?
Ideally, yes. But sometimes "shit happens" and you come back to find your toon standing around doing something stupid.. But I find this mostly happens in the beginning, while you are getting the bugs worked out. Once you are familiar with the bot, its components, and proper settings and basic troubleshooting techniques, things tend to run fairly smoothly. I work 3rd shift, and I personally leave my bots running all night while I'm at work, and all morning while I sleep. That usually works out ok for me, but results can surely vary based on several factors.
I was just thinking that the users who gets banned, is users in lv? 85, not the lowest, or what?
Any account, with any level of toons can be banned at any time. There just isn't enough solid "provable" data about the ban process to know exactly what happens. Like I said in my last post: If you bot, be prepared to lose everything.
Good luck!