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I had trouble logging into honorbuddy, I uninstalled and reinstalled it, I put the product key into the user name box, and now its asking for a password. Not sure what to type into the password box. Please help.
wow launcher->options dropdown->game preferences->"launch 32bit-client" - should be checked/greyed-out already, unless you manually installed the 64bit.
ok i did all that, wows in 32 bit mode, windowed mode, ran honorbuddy and wow as administrator, clean installed both honorbuddy and wow, hb has direct x 9 enabled, and its still saying [2:15:48 PM:400] Logging in...
[2:15:49 PM:017] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 0/0
Invalid Account Details
[2:15:49 PM:294] Authentication failed!
[2:15:54 PM:637] Logging in...
[2:15:55 PM:084] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 0/0
Invalid Account Details
[2:15:55 PM:220] Authentication failed!
[2:16:06 PM:123] Logging in...
[2:16:06 PM:656] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 0/0
Invalid Account Details
[2:16:06 PM:806] Authentication failed!
[2:16:31 PM:317] Logging in...
[2:16:31 PM:786] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 0/0
Invalid Account Details
[2:16:31 PM:927] Authentication failed!
[2:18:03 PM:143] Logging in...
[2:18:03 PM:642]
[2:18:04 PM:546] -------------------------------
[2:18:04 PM:547] You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
[2:18:04 PM:547] Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
[2:18:04 PM:547] This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15211
[2:18:04 PM:547] You are currently on build #0
[2:18:04 PM:547] -------------------------------