I am attempting to improve on an existing profile. I need to fly to the Everbloom Overlook flight master. It doesn't seem to like this:
I get the following output:
Everything before and after works fine. I've tried removing the GossipOptions and WaitTime with the same output. Any ideas?
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="81103" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="2000" X="8018.17" Y="-560.43" Z="154.96" />
I get the following output:
[InteractWith-v1925(warning)] Exceeded our maximum count(7) at attempted interactions--blacklisting Dungar Longdrink for 30s
Everything before and after works fine. I've tried removing the GossipOptions and WaitTime with the same output. Any ideas?
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