I use Tuanha's paid paladin CR in HFC. First off, you want to turn off most of the settings in the general tab. Auto taunt, face, move, buff, etc. must all be off. If you have any on-use ability trinkets, turn that off too. They can be used as an additional defensive cooldown, and should be saved for such occassions on boss fights. Under the protection settings, set the rotation to maximum survivability so that it prioritizes SotR at 3-5 holy power instead of using other abilities. I get 90%+ uptime on SotR with Tuanha's CR, which is really impressive. Finally, make sure auto use of Divine Protection is turned off. Divine Protection is your second most important active mitigation ability, and you need to have it available for special boss mechanics.
In addition to the mandatory settings above, I also suggest you set Word of Glory (self-heal with holy power) to be set to use whenever you get below 30-40% hp, but ONLY used with 5 stacks of Bastion of Glory. This will make you look like a pro who can self-heal when he's low because setting it to use only at 5 stacks of BoG will result in a 300k-400k heal on yourself. Also, since you set the rotation to max survive you will almost always have 5 stacks of BoG. The last setting you'll want to look at is Guardian of Ancient Kings. I set it to automatically cast whenever I get below 25% health. If my healers ever let me get that low, I've already more than likely used word of glory to heal myself, and my stacks of BoG will be gone. So, using GoAK at 20-25% health is a good idea because it will help them to catch up while keeping you alive.
Good luck, and with the right configuration, Tuanha's routine is the BEST protection pally routine available.