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I'm currently @ 82 with 7days 12 hours played with no BoA gear at all, this was done with questing(Kicks profiles alliance side). I had some problems with questing in Wotlk so I had to use grinding profile. But it worked out alright. Did this as shadowpriest with default CC (didn't see anything else that supported shadow 1-84 that was up to date).
I recommend questing when you are at the computer, and BG's (if its call to arms) when you are afk if you like the higher reward for the slightly higher risk (compared to questing).
Some people say instancebuddy and grindbot used with mixed mode is the way to go. I honestly haven't tested instancebuddy yet so can't tell you with that one. I would imagine that's the highest risk but with highest reward option.
So tldr:
Low risk medium reward: Questing
Medium risk for slightly better reward or if you are AFK: BG bot(call to arms) + grindbot with mixed mode
High risk high reward: instancebuddy + grindbot (not sure)
EDIT: also don't spam with questionmarks, almost made me not help you. I would imagine others feel demotivated to help as well.