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need advice starting a money farm..


Jan 27, 2012
I guess to start a money farm I need a few 85's right? not hard when botting I guess, but is it safe botting on 3 different accounts same IP? leveling 3 different chars? and should I research what realms are best for starting money farm? this would be for my own gain... I would of thought mining would of been my first choice as on my current realm elemental can sell for around 80g per stack in AH and I can sell it to people on the realm for 75. so do I need 3 different accounts? give me advice.
I have a total of 18 Accounts running from my IP (max 12 at the same time) and dont think thats a problem . Having 3 accounts from one ip/mac is absolutely no problem as you could also be a multiboxer or such.
true, my pc is quad core so it can handle it fine... but... it's going to cost alot to buy the expansions and such, on the bright side least you get 1 free month on wow.
Trust me on this. Don't even invest into making money in wow. $93 USD for each account. Each account making about 14-20k a day. Gold selling at $0.50 USD/k and then the added risk of being banned always lingering.

IMO just not worth it.
$300 and $45/month really isn't worth it even if for your own pleasure. You can make a lot of money with one account, right?
I think the whole idea of starting a "money" farm is possible but weighs heavily on a lot of factors.

Having three accounts is great, but you're not going to be making enough gold to sell for any real profit. If you're looking to just bot on a few account accounts for personal gain, then I would suggest just an account or two. There is no real need for anything beyond that. Gold farming businesses, even really small, home operations, can require pretty substantial startup capital and that expense is amplified by the time it takes to purcase World of Warcraft, install World of Warcraft, update World of Warcraft, leveling/botting a character on each account up to 85 and getting the tradeskills up to par. These can seem like fairly minor hurdles, but without a proper backup of information and a good image of a system installation could have a cataclysmic effect on your ability to make any money.
Trust me on this. Don't even invest into making money in wow. $93 USD for each account. Each account making about 14-20k a day. Gold selling at $0.50 USD/k and then the added risk of being banned always lingering.

IMO just not worth it.

On most servers its more like 0.3/k :(
You can't really bot intensively on your main though..
I bot darn near 24/7 on my main/only account. Only time I'm not botting is when I'm playing or HB crashes, otherwise I'm logged in. It's HOW you bot, not HOW LONG. :D