Yes the nav server did go down a few months ago. We just always were watching to reboot instantly. It crashes FAR less. Also we had NO USERS before and now we have some.
I use the bot EVERY DAY so please stop assuming. I almost need to record some footage to show you how great wildbuddy is.
You think it takes one min to post patch notes to the forums? What importance seeing patch notes does for you? Showing X Y Z was fixed? I mean you don't develop anything for the community nor do you even report bugs that need to be addressed hence seeing patch notes does what? Makes you feel like something is going on since I can post notes for you but won't change your perception you already have.
All I see is some one talking out of thin air thinking they have an idea of WTF is going on. Apoc knows whats going on and addresses issues. Im sorry he doesn't have time to post on the forums about fixes since honestly thats a HUGE waste of time. All I hear is mesh this and mesh that but no one reports anything to be remeshed. I see no official bug reports with real logs.
Nav server doesn't go down everyday. That's compete bullshit. Hope you realize this isn't swtor and botting 24/7 is as smart as all the words you just typed.
Yes the nav server having some issues today but no way does its happen 24/7. Hope you realize this isn't the buddywing forums.
12 hours later.... nav server still down...
I think it is time you got it through your head that you are not a Buddy Developer. Therefor any time a legitimate issue is posted on the forums or even a question about trying to do something better. You don't need to come running to go on the defensive and talk out your ass and make up things. You did the same shit on Buddywing forums and now you moved here with it. I really don't know what you get out of it but it is pretty pathetic.
Just look at you go on the defensive over patch notes. Apparently in your world it takes hours to log in and type a few words to let everyone know if something has been fixed or added.
What is the importance of patch notes or just general info? Ever think it might be nice to know when something is fixed that was giving you problems? Maybe something interesting was added? Why do we need to play guessing games and be in the dark?
Also what the hell does developing something for the community have to do with patch notes? People that bought the bot aren't allowed to make stuff for their self and they aren't allowed to get a heads up on what has been fixed/added? What about Deathdisguise then? He's the only one that has done a lot of work making stuff for the community. Is he worthy enough of being told fixes/additions?
I as well as a few others have reported bugs. You even told me in one thread to pm you what the issue was when there was like 4 people in the thread clearly describing the issue. You just like to talk and pretend you are on the Buddy Team though.
I know you are pretty egotistical but just because you take someone's work and alter a few lines for rotations doesn't make you coding king or a Buddy developer. Sorry but you are not the savior of Wildbuddy. Surprised you didn't rename the routine and claim it as your own like you did on the Buddywing forums. Deathdisguise is the coding king/savior here so you can take your ego out the door.
Btw I guess I'm fairly smart since I can bot long periods without getting banned. Sorry you aren't as smart and can only go a few hours so nav server works out great for you. Wish you could stream your bot right now so I could watch your toon standing around with "did not receive valid pathfind response in the last 5 secs" being spammed in the Wildbuddy window.