tried rebooting and restarting everything on my network from the modem to router, to computer. I get this spam in the log
[23:49:21.940 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:21.940 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:22.048 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:22.048 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:22.094 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:22.094 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:22.175 D] Nav callback called.
[23:49:22.175 D] Path Generation Failed: FindEndPoly, Start: X: 122.5493, Y: 1.898305, Z: 69.06635, End: X: 119.0147, Y: 30.1185, Z: 60.905, Partial: False
[23:49:22.202 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:22.202 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[23:49:22.475 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:22.748 D] Nav callback called.
[23:49:22.748 D] Path Generation Failed: FindEndPoly, Start: X: 122.5493, Y: 1.898305, Z: 69.06635, End: X: 119.0147, Y: 30.1185, Z: 60.905, Partial: False
[23:49:22.781 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:22.781 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[23:49:23.050 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:23.096 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:23.096 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:23.204 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:23.204 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:23.249 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:23.249 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:23.308 D] Nav callback called.
[23:49:23.308 D] Path Generation Failed: FindEndPoly, Start: X: 122.5493, Y: 1.898305, Z: 69.06635, End: X: 119.0147, Y: 30.1185, Z: 60.905, Partial: False
[23:49:23.357 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:23.357 E] Contacting nav server for path.
[23:49:23.622 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
[23:49:23.663 D] Generating path to Hotspot <119.0147, 30.1185, 60.905>
[23:49:23.663 D] Waiting for path request to finish...