Missing Mailboxes/Vendors:
- Darkshore Alliance
- Dun Morogh Alliance
- Ashenvale Alliance
- Wetlands Alliance
- Blasted Lands Horde and Alliance
- Feralas Alliance
- Felwood Alliance
- Arathi Highlands Horde and Alliance
- Eastern Plaguelands Horde and Alliance
- The Hinterlands Horde and Alliance
- Northern Barrens Horde and Alliance
- Searing Gorge Horde and Alliance
- Southern Barrens Horde and Alliance
- Stonetalon Horde and Alliance
- Swamp of Sorrows Horde and Alliance
Would be nice, if someone can post one or more vendor and or mailbox coords for this profiles, I will add it then. Thanks.
I have not tested all of this profiles, it could happen that your Alliance char will run into horde npcs.
The recommend levels that I wrote for this profiles may be wrong.
Profiles 1-65:
- Azshara [Horde]
- Mulgore [Horde]
- Durotar [Horde]
- Trisifal [Horde]
- Darkshore [Alliance]
- Elwynn Forest [Alliance]
- Dun Morogh [Alliance]
Profiles 66-125:
- Ashenvale [Horde/Alliance]
- Hillsbrad Foothills [Horde/Alliance]
- Northern Stranglethorn [Horde/Alliance]
- Arathi Highlands [Horde/Alliance]
- The Hinterlands [Horde/Alliance]
- Northern Barrens [Horde/Alliance]
- Duskwood [Alliance]
- Redridge Mountains [Alliance]
- Wetlands [Alliance]
Profiles 126-175:
- Cape of Stranglethorn [Horde/Alliance]
- Feralas [Horde/Alliance]
- Western Plaguelands [Horde/Alliance]
- Southern Barrens [Horde/Alliance]
- Stonetalon [Horde/Alliance]
Profiles 176-230:
- Badlands [Horde/Alliance]
- Burning Steppes [Horde/Alliance]
- Felwood [Horde/Alliance]
- Eastern Plaguelands [Horde/Alliance]
- Searing Gorge [Horde/Alliance]
Profiles 231-275:
- Blasted Lands [Horde/Alliance]
- Silithus [Horde/Alliance]
- Un'Goro [Horde/Alliance]
- Winterspring [Horde/Alliance]
- Swamp of Sorrows [Horde/Alliance]
//update: added some more zones (without vendor and mail)
//update2: added vendors for Eastern Plaguelands, thanks to eljefe for submittinghttp://www.thebuddyforum.com/members/35636-eljefe.html
- Darkshore Alliance
- Dun Morogh Alliance
- Ashenvale Alliance
- Wetlands Alliance
- Blasted Lands Horde and Alliance
- Feralas Alliance
- Felwood Alliance
- Arathi Highlands Horde and Alliance
- Eastern Plaguelands Horde and Alliance
- The Hinterlands Horde and Alliance
- Northern Barrens Horde and Alliance
- Searing Gorge Horde and Alliance
- Southern Barrens Horde and Alliance
- Stonetalon Horde and Alliance
- Swamp of Sorrows Horde and Alliance
Would be nice, if someone can post one or more vendor and or mailbox coords for this profiles, I will add it then. Thanks.
I have not tested all of this profiles, it could happen that your Alliance char will run into horde npcs.
The recommend levels that I wrote for this profiles may be wrong.
Profiles 1-65:
- Azshara [Horde]
- Mulgore [Horde]
- Durotar [Horde]
- Trisifal [Horde]
- Darkshore [Alliance]
- Elwynn Forest [Alliance]
- Dun Morogh [Alliance]
Profiles 66-125:
- Ashenvale [Horde/Alliance]
- Hillsbrad Foothills [Horde/Alliance]
- Northern Stranglethorn [Horde/Alliance]
- Arathi Highlands [Horde/Alliance]
- The Hinterlands [Horde/Alliance]
- Northern Barrens [Horde/Alliance]
- Duskwood [Alliance]
- Redridge Mountains [Alliance]
- Wetlands [Alliance]
Profiles 126-175:
- Cape of Stranglethorn [Horde/Alliance]
- Feralas [Horde/Alliance]
- Western Plaguelands [Horde/Alliance]
- Southern Barrens [Horde/Alliance]
- Stonetalon [Horde/Alliance]
Profiles 176-230:
- Badlands [Horde/Alliance]
- Burning Steppes [Horde/Alliance]
- Felwood [Horde/Alliance]
- Eastern Plaguelands [Horde/Alliance]
- Searing Gorge [Horde/Alliance]
Profiles 231-275:
- Blasted Lands [Horde/Alliance]
- Silithus [Horde/Alliance]
- Un'Goro [Horde/Alliance]
- Winterspring [Horde/Alliance]
- Swamp of Sorrows [Horde/Alliance]
//update: added some more zones (without vendor and mail)
//update2: added vendors for Eastern Plaguelands, thanks to eljefe for submittinghttp://www.thebuddyforum.com/members/35636-eljefe.html
Last edited: