Dark's World Exploration Project
Revision 185
Version .4 ALPHA
Created by Dark57 and wickedclowns187
Questing Profile Progress: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (91.47%)
What it is
-A Questing Profile
-A profile designed to explore each zone.
What will it be
-A Questing profile
-A Profile that explores each zone
-A Profile that you hit start, walk away and come back a little while later with a boatload of new achievements.
-A Profile that can get you a new titles and some achievement points.
What is the Questing Profile Progress Bar?
I have decided to keep an accurate and up to date progress bar on my current task so anyone tracking this project will be able to know when and large new updates have occurred. Most of the time these will not be automatically inserted into the SVN as each profile is completed, but when every profile is complete with the newest task. The Questing Profile Progress Bar I have added to the top is currently tracking the overall progress of how many zones are complete. Unlike most tasks, these will be updated to the SVN as they are completed.
What will happen to the current profiles?
The current profiles will be moved to an archive inside of the SVN. Whether or not it will be included by default is a decision I have not yet made. As of right now I don't plan on improving the old profiles to incorporate better pathing for herbing and mining, nor do I currently plan on trying to make it afkable at this time. If you have a preference on the survival of these old profiles please voice your opinion here, otherwise its a game of Russian Roulette on how I'm feeling the day I make my decision. Please note that these files are currently not found in the SVN. Unless there are some good reasons to include them, I believe they are only going to cause more problems keeping them around then forcing everyone into the newest edition.
How to use it
Load a profile for the zone you are in. Make sure you have disabled mining and herbing in the bot. Please note that this is an ALPHA release and the profiles do not switch yet.
Reporting a Bug:
If you encounter a bug I am going to need some information to fix it, as does every developer. What I would like from you is:
Bug Description: (Profile not loading, Stuck, Crashing, Dieing, whatever the bug is.)
Coordinates: (Stuck/Crashing/Dieing/etc. Need the HB coordinates. Gotten from the Developer Tools window.)
Log: (Yes, I need an attached log.)
SVN Link
http://darks-world-exporer-project.googlecode.com/svn/World Explorer
To Do: (Generally in order)
-Optimize Hotspots - In Progress...
-Zone Detection
-Automatic Profile switching
-Completely Neutral Profile (No accidental pathing into guards)
-Fail safe Measures (ie Riding skill requirement, faction specifics, anything required to make it AFKable)
-Bonus Achievements (Interacting with encountered rares and more. Suggest your bonus achieves here, must be achievable while keeping pathing times relatively low.)
-Achievement Detection (Only explores zones/area's you need) - In Progress...
= In Progress or In Testing
[X] = Not in Progress
[X] = Completed and Tested
- Durotar
- Azshara
- Winterspring
- Moonglade
- Darkshore
- Felwood
- Ashenvale
- Stonetalon Mountains
- Northern Barrens
- Desolace
- Mulgore
- Southern Barrens
- Dustwallow Marsh - Known issues, must wait until HB is stable to make changes.
- Feralas
- Thousand Needles
- Silithus
- Un'Goro Crater
- Tanaris
- Azuremyst Isle
- Bloodmyst Isle
[I]Eastern Kingdoms
- Eversong Woods
- Ghostlands
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Trisifal Glades
- Western Plaguelands
- The Hinterlands
- Hillsbrad Foothills
- Silverpine Forest
- Arathi Highlands
- Wetlands
- Dun Morogh
- Loch Modan
- Badlands
- Searing Gorge
- Burning Steppes
- Elwynn Forest
- Redridge Mountains
- Westfall
- Duskwood
- Deadwind Pass
- Swamp of Sorrows
- The Cape of Stranglethorn
- Northern Stranglethorn
- Blasted Lands
- Hellfire Peninsula
- Zangarmarsh
- Nagrand
- Terokkar Forest
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Blade's Edge Mountains
- Netherstorm
- Borean Tundra
- Dragonblight
- Howling Fjord
- Grizzly Hills
- Zul'Drak
- Crystalsong
- Storm Peaks
- Icecrown
- Sholazar Basin
- Mount Hyjal
- Uldum
- Deepholm
- Vashj'ir
- Twilight Highlands
- Townlong Steppes
- Kun-Lai Summit
- The Jade Forest
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Valley of the Four Winds
- Dread Wastes
- Krasarang Wilds
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