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will try it out ty very much m8, such a shame noones making one profile who makes those card.. im sure lotsa ppl could use it.. would have made it myself if i knew how..
what should that profile can do?
Only create cards + cook cookies?
or should it:
- get my mail
- mill herbs
- create inks
- create cards
- cook cookies
- rins and repeat
I can't provide a profile atm because i'm out of office, but in the evening i should have time to create a little profile, but i have to know what it should do
What you said sounds good, would save a lot of time for those who are currently churning these out manually.
Also another profile which flips the cards for you would be great too, my server has far too much competition for herbs and with the amount I farm I'd be flagged trying to dump a lot of herbs onto the AH, so taking a cut from the RNG would still generate me a nice sum of gold.