I know that 20k per week may not seem like alot to some of the people farming out there, but the way I am doing it there is no farming involved and I get to sit at my computer and play (When I want to), since its my only account, thats an important aspect for me, being able to play. First the amount you make per week is completely based on the number of level 90's you have. I run all of my level 90's through every raid in raid finder every week, when I get bored or want to watch something on tv, I let dungeonbuddy do it. On each character I make about 2k gold from bags you get from each boss and from selling epic gear that is not an upgrade. 2 of my characters are enchanters, so they make a little less since the DE the epics and use the sha crystals for my other characters, I suppose you could DE and sell the sha crystals. I can run 2 characters per day through all raids, and still have time for myself to raid Heroics later. So in about 6 days I run all my characters through and make a little over 20k
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