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My was to max profits and make thousands in Cataclysm


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
Hey guys!

This is my first guide I have ever made, and let me just say that the reason I am posting here is because I didn't have access to the GB guides page for some reason, but could post here fine :P

So, my subscription has ran out, but will buy more time when I get paid this week :D

So here's how I found this out:

Me and a couple buddies has been playing the game for 5 years, and have learned a way that is pretty much a once in a blue moon opportunity.
When BC came out, we al lwanted ways to make gold for the epic fliers, all the cool new gems, and what not.
Well ass you may recall from Pre-BC, gold was not easy to come by. So we thought of this way to make some:
Think back to BC, there were 2 new races, similar to how Cataclysm will be presented, with 2 new playable races for each faction. So when these races cacme out, everyone was soo stoekd to level one, wanted all realm firsts and what not!
If this wasn't you, then I guess I'm just crazy :P

Let me describe to you what happened:
I had this idea to fill a few bank alts, one dedicated to raw mining matts, and the other dedicated to raw herbalism matts.
Since the G-Bank was not yet introduced, I bought all the big bags I could, and invested a lot of my hard earned gold hoping this would work. It was a hit or miss.
I filled these guys up with low level ore, and low level herbs.

This may start making sense to a few of you.
At this point, BC's release was only a few hours away, and I was ready to make the G.

This is what the consumers did who started by leveling a Dranei or Blood Elf:
They would go to the AH, not wanting to spend their time farming herbs and mines that they could easily buy off of the AH.
So, they did in fact buy off the AH, for a hefty price at that.

I had around 500 stacks of copper ore. And around the same in total of Silverleaf and Peacebloom.

So, I marked them all up, to around 25 g per stack of copper ore and 30 g per stack of the herbs.

Once again it was a hit or miss. This could fail and I could get severely undercut, or it would succeed and I would make masssive profit.

It turns out that the cheaper ore was gone so fast, that people started to buy mine, instead of farm for themselves.

I made so much damn fucking gold.

I could pay for my friends epic fliers, and THEIR friends epic fliers
This was ridiculous, so now I reveal to you how to do this, for now it is much simpler and will make you a lot more gold.

STEP 1: Get your alts all ready, bags, GBANKS, and some gold to mark everything up with.

STEP 2: Let Gatherbuddy run for a few nights of low level places, and get completely stocked on both, until you have the matts coming out of your nose.

STEP 3: Wait for cataclysm. This will be the hardest part, as some markets tend to fluctuate a bunch before the release. But trust me, it worked like a charm.

So guys, thanks for reading my guide, this was a well thought out process, and if i stole it from someone I honestly had no intention to do so.

So once again, thanks for reading this.

Here's a quick rrundown if you didnt understand:
People will pay big gold to get their professions maxed out at lower levels.
This means htat with all the high level 80's who have too much gold, these prices wont hurt them one bit. They will get their professions maxed out, (i.e. Alchemy/Jewelcrafting) without having to pick up the secondary to farm. And plus they themselves wont have to farm and waste their valuable time.

Its a great little trick that only works when new races that will start out when level 1's are introduced.

Please give me credit for this if you use it anywhere, I would appreciate :P

Have a good one all if you have any questions feel free to message me!


P.s. I'm too lazy to change my sig, currently got the pally to 80, hunter and priest now am working on, both 66, :D

P.P.S. I know this does not belong in this section, but feel free to move it to the guides section if you want guys :D couldnt post there, so be my guest!
Guild Bank Gets Deleted among transfer. along with guild.

so... what has that got to do with it? new chars will be made on excisting servers :p there will be no more realms.
the guide is nice, and common sense too :p
My take on Cataclysm is to not stock on any raw mats or anything....just use the usual farm saronite/dump on the market or smelt + vendor.
When Cata hits manually level 1-2 toons as fast as possible till HB/GB catch up, and in the process make some meshes or something(IDEA: while leveling let the bot maping option run so it meshes every inch of quest land).

After that HB the rest of the toons and GB the two max ones since there will be a shitload of mats to be supplied to the "hungry" miners, alchemists and scribes :).
My take on Cataclysm.

Stop thinking about it.. its not out for ages ffs
Pinky: Gee, Brain. What are we going to do when Cataclysm is out?
The Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.
Nice guide. This didn't work because of the new races however, it worked because Jewelcrafting was the new profession. It's always nice to stock the mats for the new profession each expansion.
Pinky: Gee, Brain. What are we going to do when Cataclysm is out?
The Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.
just watched this [video=youtube;iJPFSNu_QNs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJPFSNu_QNs[/video]
best toons ever xoxo
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You are all missing the primary money-maker when Cataclysm hits.


If I have no work tomorrow(and I probably won't...I'll start porting here all the speculation I can get my hands on). I have a few good sources and it will take a bit to gather all the info.
Those facts will come from people who have been in the market manipulation business for a really long time...not some scrubs like us who just think about botting and easy cash :).
I was gold-capped with no third-party help.

Think people. What does every person rolling a new alt do?
Well pretty much all I was saying was since they are gonna level professions and don't wanna take the time to do so, they will pay big for the early stage shit. When BC came out, the herbs still sold, even though JC was the new profession. So yeah, it's pretty much a hit or miss, I for one am gonna try it again :P
I don't think this is a real guide more a thinking about making money =)
But also nice
Haha thanks man, I sort of thought it was a little guide because of the steps and stuff :P
even though there were only 3 xD