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My story...


New Member
Mar 11, 2012
Hey everyone.

At Blizzcon 2011 I bought the annual pass, 1 month later I decided I didn't want to play anymore... Silly, I know. But I was burned out after 3x 85's and a DK sitting at 80 from wotlk, played by hand.

Recently returned, after a mate of mine told me about this bot, he had asked many times that I make a char on his server, but I couldn't get passed lvl 10 without thinking "Screw this shit" and quit again, now with the bot, I've made a paladin who is sitting at lvl 83 (w. /played: 4 days, 21 hours), should reach 85 by tonight, or sometime tomorrow.

Really awesome, I'd have quit many times over if I have had to do it by hand, I guarantee.

We are gonna focus on Arena/RBG, and with BGbuddy and tons of CC's ready at hand, I'm sure getting that PvP gear will be as hassle free as this lvl'ing experience.

Also, shoutout to kicks, used his profiles all the way.

How I bot

I bot 12-14 hours a day, usually no break during the day, however, I ALWAYS babysit, I'm by my computer most of the day anyway, and running multiple monitors.

If I get stuck and I see people around me, I've turned off the bot, and jumped around the people watching me, as if I'm just bored out of my mind, and jumping around for no reason.
If a profile do something weird, I've turned it off and done the quest or task for it, and put it back on.
Pay extra attention when your character is in main cities.

The Profiles WILL fuck up, not a question of if, only when, it's near impossible to make a profile that is flawless, although, they are pretty damn close. (Out of the /played time, I've probably played 3 hours myself)
Which is why I never leave my bot completely unattended.

So got this bot like almost 10 days ago, and getting my first botted 85 very soon, I don't regret buying HB at all, it has made me return to the game, and at the very least helped me get something out of the annual pass.

Thanks HB, and thanks HB community.

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way 2 much propaganda for hawkie :rolleyes:
have you though about the endgame?..
even when you play 1-10, and dont like the game cuz its "Borring" how do you think its gonna be in 85?..
Great to hear... I'm like you, the bot makes the more mundane stuff easier to take (leveling, gathering... ) and the only time I leave my toon completely unattended is doing archeology and even that's only on my extra account that I just bot on (will be used for the higher risk stuff like gathering to keep my main account almost entirely risk free).

Welcome to HB!

way 2 much propaganda for hawkie :rolleyes:
have you though about the endgame?..
even when you play 1-10, and dont like the game cuz its "Borring" how do you think its gonna be in 85?..

I don't get it, where is the propaganda? If it weren't for the bot, my annual pass would just sit there, not getting used at all.

I've been at end game before, so ye, I have thought about it, and it won't be so bad since I'm gonna play with mate that I've known for 3-4 years, and also, as I mentioned in OP, We are focusing on PvP, not as much the PvE aspect as I did with my other 4 chars.
Im glad to see even more people flooding into the Honorbuddy community! Nice to see some success stories from just the normal rookies around these parts. Im happy for you bud and best of luck in future botting ventures.

Now take this over to the blizz forums so they can see what this bot does for them! :D