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my opinion


Apr 17, 2010
so anyway i tested the software and this is my opinion ... the one that you have out what version is it ? 1.33 i think ... anyway its a litle bugged ... i had problems with the loot for some reason i couldnt loot without crashing instantly. i tried to fix it by updating .net directx and other software that is needed to run HB ... didnt worked. then i tried the beta version ... well i could loot with that one ... but none of the profiles work ... it only attacks the closest target then it stops untill it respawns again. i tried more then 1 profile that SHOULD work cause they are verry popular in this comunity.
so anyway my opinion is that you guys have a good software here but it reaaaally needs more work for the amount of money you are asking ... i mean the guys from mmoglider asked way less and gave A LOT. well i dont know this is my opinion i really hope you guys get this software in top shape really fast cause i would like to buy it. but like i sayd at the moment with the prices you have and the problems that i have with it its just not worth it
Well all i can say is that you must not be setting it up correctly because there are LOADS of people in this community that can use the program very effectively.

Keep at it, you will work it out i'm sure.
*Chuckles* Well, I'd like to say that the beta out right now is solely for pvp, and dose not give any real leveling support. With that said you must be doing something wrong, because I leveled my deathknight from 70-80 with this bot no problem.
Learn to use the program a read.


HB1 = i leveled 7 characters no problems.
May 10th, I do believe, is when the HB2's new questing feature comes out, and after that, I will be extremely happy, and frankly, if it works as expected, I will personally go to Hawker's, Tony's and Bossland's house(s) (not sure if they live together under one roof of extreme awsomeness, and if they honestly did, I don't think any house could handle it) and kiss all their toes(s). My Opinion.
May 10th, I do believe, is when the HB2's new questing feature comes out, and after that, I will be extremely happy, and frankly, if it works as expected, I will personally go to Hawker's, Tony's and Bossland's house(s) (not sure if they live together under one roof of extreme awsomeness, and if they honestly did, I don't think any house could handle it) and kiss all their toes(s). My Opinion.

wtf lol.

so anyway i tested the software and this is my opinion ... the one that you have out what version is it ? 1.33 i think ... anyway its a litle bugged ... i had problems with the loot for some reason i couldnt loot without crashing instantly. i tried to fix it by updating .net directx and other software that is needed to run HB ... didnt worked. then i tried the beta version ... well i could loot with that one ... but none of the profiles work ... it only attacks the closest target then it stops untill it respawns again. i tried more then 1 profile that SHOULD work cause they are verry popular in this comunity.
so anyway my opinion is that you guys have a good software here but it reaaaally needs more work for the amount of money you are asking ... i mean the guys from mmoglider asked way less and gave A LOT. well i dont know this is my opinion i really hope you guys get this software in top shape really fast cause i would like to buy it. but like i sayd at the moment with the prices you have and the problems that i have with it its just not worth it

i agree on somethings need work as i never had these bots working to 100%.. its always someone pointing fingers at someone else.. so thats why it just doesnt work.. examples follow as .. someone said its a cc.. cc developer say cant do anything in the code we have to change it because the HB core engine doesnt allow it... one guy needs to do things in my opinion.. i think we have at least 4 core developers nesox,hawker,bossland,and main all with different pieces and coding styles

and to add

*Chuckles* Well, I'd like to say that the beta out right now is solely for pvp, and dose not give any real leveling support. With that said you must be doing something wrong, because I leveled my deathknight from 70-80 with this bot no problem.

some people do have no issues with melee classes..


Well all i can say is that you must not be setting it up correctly because there are LOADS of people in this community that can use the program very effectively.

Keep at it, you will work it out i'm sure.

loads of people dont have problems but LOTS do.. like me i have done warriors to mages to rouges to druids all over the map and nothing but headaches..
i have to say i never logged out on them but exp per hour was always 45/110,000 and hour mixed mode or not..

the bots simple so how does one set it up wrong how is it user error..not running as admin? it cut and dry. download profile, download a Good cc, and start it in the proper area ... every thing else is just fluff.. the food and drink and ammo (hunters its needed)..

as for HB2 ill hold my opinions on that till they are out of beta stage because to me needs LOTS and LOTS more work to be at the same level as the old 1.33x in stable and reliable
May 10th, I do believe, is when the HB2's new questing feature comes out, and after that, I will be extremely happy, and frankly, if it works as expected, I will personally go to Hawker's, Tony's and Bossland's house(s) (not sure if they live together under one roof of extreme awsomeness, and if they honestly did, I don't think any house could handle it) and kiss all their toes(s). My Opinion.

Uh oh.. i think you upset Ski cause you didnt' say you'd kiss his toe's too..... tisk tisk
May 10th, I do believe, is when the HB2's new questing feature comes out, and after that, I will be extremely happy, and frankly, if it works as expected, I will personally go to Hawker's, Tony's and Bossland's house(s) (not sure if they live together under one roof of extreme awsomeness, and if they honestly did, I don't think any house could handle it) and kiss all their toes(s). My Opinion.

you little *&^%$# :p
so anyway i tested the software and this is my opinion ... the one that you have out what version is it ? 1.33 i think ... anyway its a litle bugged ... i had problems with the loot for some reason i couldnt loot without crashing instantly. i tried to fix it by updating .net directx and other software that is needed to run HB ... didnt worked. then i tried the beta version ... well i could loot with that one ... but none of the profiles work ... it only attacks the closest target then it stops untill it respawns again. i tried more then 1 profile that SHOULD work cause they are verry popular in this comunity.
so anyway my opinion is that you guys have a good software here but it reaaaally needs more work for the amount of money you are asking ... i mean the guys from mmoglider asked way less and gave A LOT. well i dont know this is my opinion i really hope you guys get this software in top shape really fast cause i would like to buy it. but like i sayd at the moment with the prices you have and the problems that i have with it its just not worth it

mevip you can find me on Live Support
[email protected] (msn)

if you want we can have a discussion and solutions about your issues
yeah ... that would be nice ... and to answer the other people that replied ... a 2 year old baby would be able to setup this software without any problems ... its not that i dont know how ... lol i mean i really know my way around a computer seeing how i`ve been using one since i wass 7 (i`m 25) and that i worked as tech suport for a computer shop for about 3 years...
only other thing that remains would be windows problem. but that dosnt add up cause i used HB on a rogue and i could loot ... the problem that i have is on my warlock ... really strange ... lol
so anyway my advice to this comunity would be ... less flame more help.
May 10th, I do believe, is when the HB2's new questing feature comes out, and after that, I will be extremely happy, and frankly, if it works as expected, I will personally go to Hawker's, Tony's and Bossland's house(s) (not sure if they live together under one roof of extreme awsomeness, and if they honestly did, I don't think any house could handle it) and kiss all their toes(s). My Opinion.

Roflmao xDD

But.. in some ways I think same. Expecting the thing with toe-kissing *urgs :-S*
May 10th, I do believe, is when the HB2's new questing feature comes out, and after that, I will be extremely happy, and frankly, if it works as expected, I will personally go to Hawker's, Tony's and Bossland's house(s) (not sure if they live together under one roof of extreme awsomeness, and if they honestly did, I don't think any house could handle it) and kiss all their toes(s). My Opinion.

Namaze = Quentin Tarantino in disguise?!
wish I could help you more, but I can say that the only problems I have had with gb/hb were my own fault. Every time I use them they seem to work flawlessly on the same machine with 3 different accounts with many different characters. I do hope you get it to work the guys here are great at helping and I have never read anywhere " we can't help you with your problem" .

And while you do ask for more help less flaming it's always a good idea to ask for help to begin with rather than posting something that can be viewed as negative. It's a tight knit community and people here, or any small community, take offense if they deem someone is putting down the software or the developers.

Anyway good luck in getting it fixed!

yeah ... that would be nice ... and to answer the other people that replied ... a 2 year old baby would be able to setup this software without any problems ... its not that i dont know how ... lol i mean i really know my way around a computer seeing how i`ve been using one since i wass 7 (i`m 25) and that i worked as tech suport for a computer shop for about 3 years...
only other thing that remains would be windows problem. but that dosnt add up cause i used HB on a rogue and i could loot ... the problem that i have is on my warlock ... really strange ... lol
so anyway my advice to this comunity would be ... less flame more help.

As someone of experience you no doubt understand the nature of the gaming community and the threads they generate. You can waste energy worrying about the flames, or take the information they convey with the maturity they may lack. That being that the majority of the community have little or no issue with the programs and mesh's. Which means your issue is most likely operator error. I would list your unique software/hardware configuration as a possibility, but ultimately that all comes back to the operator as well. Take Tony up on his live support offer so you cans see the program function as we do. You will like it. I worked Avionics in the USAF for many years and can tell you first hand, experience, qualifications, and ease of use are not exemptions from error. When you combine pride and an attitude that a baby could do it, you are pretty well guaranteeing your own failure. I can't count the number of Captains, Majors, even full bird Colonels I have had to inform of their own obvious errors. These are people with tens of thousands of flight hours, several thousand in type, overlooking obvious things like... does not function in OFFicial (pronounced OFF) mode. My advice.. suck it up and get over yourself, then work the problem.
hehe ... i`m not puting down anyone or anything ... i just sayd what my problem wass and why i wont buy it yet
1 i cant loot cause i crash everytime when i do (on my warlock but strange enough on my rogue works lol)
2 at the price of 25euro i expect a software that works like a swis watch
dont get me wrong i`m impresed with the software i like it. i`m just waiting for it to get a good version out that i can use so i can buy it ...
and one more thing ... i`m just wondering, what stops blizzard from doing the same thing to you guys that they did to mmoglider.com .... i would reaaaally hate to buy a expensive bot again just to see it shutdown 1 month later >.>

probably 2.0 is going to work.
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i`m just wondering, what stops blizzard from doing the same thing to you guys that they did to mmoglider.com .... i would reaaaally hate to buy a expensive bot again just to see it shutdown 1 month later >.>

If you really need to ask this question then you shouldn't be botting at all, in my opinion. No bot developer can make any assurances against what Blizzard may choose to do. They are a huge entity with plenty of money and other resources. If they decide to target a certain bot and make it go away, they'll very likely succeed. So, as a botter, the only thing you can do is attempt to choose a bot community that seems to have attentive developers and support, making continual efforts to thwart Blizzard's latest detection schemes, etc. You have to decide for yourself if you're comfortable with the situation. No one else can make that decision for you.
true ... well like i sayd the only problem that i had wass with the loot on my warlock ... i`m going to test it on another character again and see if it works good up to level 20 .... if it does then i`ll buy it this week ... thanks everybody for your patience and helpfull answers and thank you tony for your quick answers and disponibility