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My key is used somehow by the US ? - key is not working anymore


New Member
Oct 26, 2015
Hello ,

got a honorbuddy key since 2011. Until today around 5 PM key worked fine - when the below stated:

This key has been used in the NorthAmerica region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the Europe region has been invalidated.

please help :(

[14:54:20.925 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.15260.829 started.
[14:54:25.916 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Initializing bots
[14:54:25.915 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<CombatRoutine> - Initializing routines
[14:54:25.916 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - Initializing plugins
[14:54:33.947 N] Logging in...
[14:54:41.415 D] Logging in to BestLatency (
[14:54:43.303 N] T: 5247728795239327196 H: 3014447007
[14:54:47.662 N] Attaching to D3D11
[14:54:53.649 N] Attached to WoW with ID 5788
[14:54:53.937 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.15260.829 started!
[14:54:53.941 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[14:54:53.941 D] Executable Path: C:\Users\msocaciu\Documents\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[14:54:53.941 D] 0.4 days since Windows was restarted
[14:54:53.950 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[14:54:53.951 D] Activity: Initializing
[14:54:53.952 D] Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
[14:55:01.394 D] Initializing product TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience
[14:55:01.394 D] Successfully initialized product TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience
[14:55:01.467 N] Streamed store routines:
[14:55:01.918 N] * TuanHA Rogue [WoD Store Paid]
[14:55:01.934 D] Initializing product TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium (Modular)
[14:55:01.934 D] Successfully initialized product TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium (Modular)
[14:55:01.934 D] Initializing product Loremaster - The Animus (Modular)
[14:55:01.935 D] Successfully initialized product Loremaster - The Animus (Modular)
[14:55:01.936 N] Streamed store plugins
[14:55:01.936 N] * TheBrodieMan's Compendium
[14:55:01.936 N] * The Animus Lite
[14:55:22.671 D] Initializing product Elite Combat Bot
[14:55:22.671 D] Successfully initialized product Elite Combat Bot
[14:55:22.687 N] Streamed store botbases:
[14:55:22.687 N] * Elite Combat Bot [Cokx/Toizi]
[14:55:22.842 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[14:55:22.842 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy
[14:55:22.880 N] New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
[14:55:23.171 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[14:55:23.266 N] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
[14:55:23.266 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot
[14:55:23.266 N] New bot added!: Questing
[14:55:23.369 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[14:55:23.369 N] New bot added!: Party Bot
[14:55:23.369 N] New bot added!: Garrisonbuddy
[14:55:23.429 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
[14:55:23.429 N] New bot added!: FishingBuddy
[14:55:23.430 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
[14:55:23.430 N] New bot added!: Elite Combat Bot [Cokx/Toizi]
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Ambush (008676) | Anticipation (114015) | Archaeology (078670)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Armor Skills (076273) | Auto Attack (006603) | Backstab (000053)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Blind (002094) | Cheap Shot (001833) | Cheat Death (031230)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cloak and Dagger (138106) | Cloak of Shadows (031224) | Cold Weather Flying (054197)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Combat Readiness (074001) | Cooking (158765) | Cooking Fire (000818)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Crimson Tempest (121411) | Crippling Poison (003408) | Deadly Poison (002823)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Distract (001725) | Elusiveness (021009) | Empowered Fan of K.. (157671)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enhanced Shadow Da.. (157669) | Enhanced Stealth (157704) | Enhanced Vanish (157666)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Evasion (005277) | Eviscerate (002098) | Fan of Knives (051723)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Feint (001966) | First Aid (158741) | Fishing (131474)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Fleet Footed (031209) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Garrison Ability (161691)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Garrote (000703) | Gouge (001776) | Guild Mail (083951)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hasty Hearth (083944) | Honor Among Thieves (051701) | Kick (001766)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Kidney Shot (000408) | Languages (076252) | Leatherworking (158752)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mass Resurrection (083968) | Master Riding (090265) | Mobile Banking (083958)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mount Up (078633) | Nature Resistance (020583) | Pick Lock (001804)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Pick Pocket (000921) | Premeditation (014183) | Preparation (014185)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Prey on the Weak (131511) | Quickness (020582) | Recuperate (073651)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Relentless Strikes (058423) | Rupture (001943) | Sanguinary Vein (079147)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Sap (006770) | Shadow Dance (051713) | Shadow Focus (108209)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shadow Reflection (152151) | Shadowmeld (058984) | Shiv (005938)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shroud of Concealm.. (114018) | Sinister Calling (031220) | Sinister Strike (001752)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Skinning (158756) | Slice and Dice (005171) | Smoke Bomb (076577)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Sprint (002983) | Stealth (001784) | Survey (080451)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Swiftblade's Cunning (113742) | The Quick and the .. (083950) | Throw (121733)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Touch of Elune (154748) | Tricks of the Trade (057934) | Vanish (001856)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Weapon Skills (076297) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913) | Wisp Spirit (020585)
[14:55:24.658 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Wound Poison (008679)
[14:55:24.661 D] [SpellManager] Hemorrhage (16511) overrides Sinister Strike (1752)
[14:55:24.671 D] Class profile set to RogueSubtlety (Rogue - Subtlety)
[14:55:24.973 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
[14:55:24.973 D] Singular v4.0.0.4791 v4.0.0.4791
[14:55:24.974 D] TuanHA Rogue [WoD Store Paid] v6.2.5954.9614
[14:55:30.465 D] Skip FileandSettingCheck
[14:55:30.465 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.466 N] Hello level 100 NightElf Rogue
[14:55:30.468 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.468 N] Thank you for using TuanHA Rogue
[14:55:30.468 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.468 N] Combat Routine is NOT designed to attack Party/Raid members
[14:55:30.468 N] Before DUELING, please leave Party/Raid
[14:55:30.468 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.468 N] Best Non-AFK Botbase is Enyo - Download Link: http://goo.gl/51E0F6
[14:55:30.468 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.468 N] Best Enyo Setting is
[14:55:30.468 N] Hardlock ON
[14:55:30.468 N] Softlock OFF
[14:55:30.468 N] TPS 15-100 Depend on your Computer Power
[14:55:30.785 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.785 N] Any bug report, suggestion and new improvement ideas are welcome.
[14:55:30.785 N] Please write us on this forum thread:
[14:55:30.785 N] https://www.thebuddyforum.com/thebu...964-tuanha-rogue-ultimate-experience-298.html
[14:55:30.785 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.785 N] We try our best to improve this combat routine and we hope it will serve you well.
[14:55:30.785 N] Please rate us on the Buddy Store. (You can change / update your rating any time)
[14:55:30.785 N] Note: Rate product not available for user obtain via give key
[14:55:30.785 N] https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4021
[14:55:30.785 N] ------------------------------
[14:55:30.808 D] Updating StatCounter...
[14:55:31.394 N] Installed plugins
[14:55:31.394 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
[14:55:31.394 N] BuddyControlPanel - Disabled
[14:55:31.394 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
[14:55:31.394 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
[14:55:31.394 N] The Animus Lite - Disabled
[14:55:31.394 N] TheBrodieMan's Compendium - Disabled
[14:55:31.395 D] Activity: Initialization complete
[14:55:31.396 D] Using WoW with process ID 5788
[14:55:31.417 D] 23 FPS currently in WoW
[14:55:31.448 D] 40 ms of Latency in WoW
[14:55:31.448 N] Character is a level 100 NightElf Rogue
[14:55:31.449 N] Current zone is Arathi Basin
[14:55:31.461 D] --------------- Settings ---------------
[14:55:31.517 D] SelectedRegion: BestLatency
[14:55:31.517 D] UICulture: en-US
[14:55:31.517 D] UseFrameLock: True
[14:55:31.517 D] CharacterDetailsInTitle: False
[14:55:31.517 D] SendUsageInformation: True
[14:55:31.517 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
[14:55:31.517 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
[14:55:31.517 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
[14:55:31.517 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
[14:55:31.517 D] BotsPath: Bots
[14:55:31.517 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
[14:55:31.517 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
[14:55:31.517 D] MinimizeToTray: False
[14:55:31.517 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\msocaciu\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes
[14:55:31.517 D] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[14:55:31.517 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
[14:55:31.517 D] LogoutForInactivity: True
[14:55:31.517 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
[14:55:31.517 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[14:55:31.517 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[14:55:31.518 D] LogLevel: Normal
[14:55:31.518 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True
[14:55:31.518 D] SelectTalents: True
[14:55:31.518 D] ClassProfileName: Rogue - Subtlety
[14:55:31.518 D] AutoEquip: False
[14:55:31.518 D] AutoEquipBags: True
[14:55:31.518 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True
[14:55:31.518 D] AutoEquipArmor: True
[14:55:31.518 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
[14:55:31.518 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic
[14:55:31.518 D] RollOnItems: True
[14:55:31.518 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
[14:55:31.518 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
[14:55:31.518 D] TicksPerSecond: 5
[14:55:31.518 D] FoodAmount: 0
[14:55:31.518 D] DrinkAmount: 0
[14:55:31.518 D] OverrideProfileSettings: False
[14:55:31.518 D] SellGrey: True
[14:55:31.518 D] SellWhite: True
[14:55:31.518 D] SellGreen: True
[14:55:31.518 D] SellBlue: False
[14:55:31.518 D] SellPurple: False
[14:55:31.518 D] MailGrey: False
[14:55:31.518 D] MailWhite: False
[14:55:31.518 D] MailGreen: False
[14:55:31.518 D] MailBlue: True
[14:55:31.518 D] MailPurple: True
[14:55:31.518 D] IgnoreCheckpoints: False
[14:55:31.518 D] SelectedBotName: Elite Combat Bot [Cokx/Toizi]
[14:55:31.518 D] UseFlightPaths: True
[14:55:31.518 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
[14:55:31.518 D] UseRandomMount: False
[14:55:31.518 D] MailRecipient has no value yet
[14:55:31.518 D] FoodName: 113509
[14:55:31.518 D] DrinkName: 113509
[14:55:32.567 D] MountName: Core Hound (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=170347)
[14:55:32.819 D] FlyingMountName: Swift Purple Gryphon (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=32292)
[14:55:32.819 D] LootMobs: True
[14:55:32.819 D] SkinMobs: False
[14:55:32.819 D] NinjaSkin: False
[14:55:32.819 D] LootChests: True
[14:55:32.819 D] HarvestMinerals: False
[14:55:32.819 D] HarvestHerbs: False
[14:55:32.819 D] UseMount: True
[14:55:32.819 D] UseGroundMount: True
[14:55:32.819 D] PullDistance: 100
[14:55:32.819 D] LootRadius: 45
[14:55:32.819 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\msocaciu\Documents\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\Questing Profile Pack\Auto Loader.xml
[14:55:32.819 D] MountDistance: 60
[14:55:32.819 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: True
[14:55:32.819 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[14:55:32.819 D] ----------------------------------------
[14:55:32.854 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[14:55:32.855 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[14:55:39.433 Q] This key has been used in the NorthAmerica region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the Europe region has been invalidated.
[14:55:40.128 Q] Shutting down in 20 seconds
go into buddyauth and see if your key is in use.

unfortunately the forums really isn't going to be able to help you here. You probably want to email support.
Tony meant, once you contact support with the key and proof of ownership, they would replace it with another key, since your have been probably compromised.

On your side double check that you have no keylogger, or your computer security is not compromised in any way.
Tony meant, once you contact support with the key and proof of ownership, they would replace it with another key, since your have been probably compromised.

Exactly :)