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My history in botting. Started in TBC (2007). Never been banned. Offering some advice


Jul 28, 2011
So my history actually started in vanilla, with a fishing bot. Fishing in WoW back then was the most tedious thing in the world. I came across a program called Glider that offered a free fishing bot. I used it and it was AMAZING! Then TBC took over and I started university. I knew that Glider was a full fledged bot but up till now I really only needed it to fish, but that soon changed. In university with classes and social life I didn't have the time to play. You see back then WoW was totally different, making gold got easier but still challenging, BG'ing was popular and arean's were introduced. There was a lot to do in WoW other then PvE but everything required time...and gold. And I wanted to do it all.

I was only able to put in a few hours a night, but I found the time I did have to play WoW was spent grinding for gold and reputation (needed to grind to get gear and other useful things) and not in arena's or dungeons. So I bought Glider to do the grinding for me so when I did have time to play I was able to do what I wanted to do, and everything was great. I did use popular profiles, but I made a few myself (both for grinding and combat profiles). I made all my own BG profiles so I didn't follow the train of other bots and I discovered I enjoyed botting as much as I enjoyed playing WoW. Then Blizz won it's first, and hopefully last, court case against Glider and the bot was taken down.

That's when PvPtool took over. PvPtool was a FAR simpler bot then Glider. It was basically just Auto Hotkey for WoW, but it worked. I was able to make basic grinding and BG profiles. TBH there isn't much to say about PvPTool. The bot got shut down when WoW threatened to sue.

And then there is (was?) BGBuddy. I don't need to go into detail from here.

I have never been banned, not ever (going on 9yrs). I will admit I have been off and on for the last 2 expansions but I have botted in every expansion. I have botted for days on end, I have leveled many characters from 1-90/100 and every character I have uses full BG gear to start off.

So, now my advice (I will keep it very short):

PvP - WEAR SHIT GEAR and die QUICKLY! I don't understand why people feel the need to gear out their characters when they BG bot. This is SUPER important for melee characters because it can be VERY obvious you are botting as melee. But if you get 1 shotted all they are going to think is "what a scrub with shit gear" or "rekt" and so what? You are going to get honor. Also make sure your bot doesn't do anything important like grabbing the flag, that is just stupid and very risky.

PvE - I have never botted in dungeons. I know it is hard to make your own profiles but it is important not to always use public profiles. For leveling I will use popular profiles, but when grinding at max level I will use my own or profiles that are HUGE!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer and I hope this helped a few people.
I never thought of actually wearing the shitty gear when BG botting. This is a great idea imo.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
Pretty interesting nobody ever mentions Innerspace/ISXWOW/OpenBot, in their "botting history". This was by far the most high end bot for wow back in the days.
Pretty interesting nobody ever mentions Innerspace/ISXWOW/OpenBot, in their "botting history". This was by far the most high end bot for wow back in the days.

I've been botting since vanilla. Did plenty of glider back in the day, and honorbuddy since the fall of that. Never used any of those bots you mentioned.
I'm interested to know how you some how overcome when HB was detected ?

this was program/injection detection... so you either where not botting during that time- running another bot.. or full of it.
I've been botting since vanilla. Did plenty of glider back in the day, and honorbuddy since the fall of that. Never used any of those bots you mentioned.

This is one bot.

Inner Space = gaming platform for windows. Enhance/customize Direct3D games
ISXWOW = Inner Space extension hiding the source injection from warden
OpenBot = the actual bot software (depending on running Inner Space)

Back in TBC this was the first full source injection bot running without the need of profiles, custom classes or anything.

As it isn't available anymore, i guess it is no problem to talk about/post links:

I'm interested to know how you some how overcome when HB was detected ?

this was program/injection detection... so you either where not botting during that time- running another bot.. or full of it.

This last expansion I was not very active at all but I did honor grind 2 characters and that's it. But I did use HB this expansion and at the start of every season.

edit: Actually I bot leveled 2 characters 90-100 and honor grind 2 characters at the start of each season.
This is one bot.

Inner Space = gaming platform for windows. Enhance/customize Direct3D games
ISXWOW = Inner Space extension hiding the source injection from warden
OpenBot = the actual bot software (depending on running Inner Space)

Back in TBC this was the first full source injection bot running without the need of profiles, custom classes or anything.

As it isn't available anymore, i guess it is no problem to talk about/post links:


Wow this brought me back. Reminiscing of my days using Inner Space to bot and teleport in Everquest.
This last expansion I was not very active at all but I did honor grind 2 characters and that's it. But I did use HB this expansion and at the start of every season.

edit: Actually I bot leveled 2 characters 90-100 and honor grind 2 characters at the start of each season.

Lol, you do no gold selling, mass farming, or any relevant botting at all; yet have never been banned. Every now and then you level an alt or grab a set of pvp gear. Would be more impressive if you did get banned. Great post.
The idea of using garbage gear while BG botting is a stroke of brilliance. I don't know why it never crossed my mind. I guess it's because I don't watch it BG much. I got banned doing that recently on a throw-away account 6 month ban, meh. I don't think I'll BG bot again, as it's not worth the risk, and I prefer to play PVP anyways, to learn another class and how to play it.

Back in the day, I used to use PiroxBot. It was pretty good, although it was an automated button clicker. So you would have to set the "heal" button to X key, and it would spam that key when at X% hp. It would follow things, and BG and the like. You could set it to grind and loot. Fairly basic compared to HB, but it worked pretty well. I think I used it around WOTLK. I may have gotten an account ban back then, but it was so long ago. I don't remember what for, either.

Ahh, those were fun times. Even now, I'm only on because I can bot. It's a lot of fun botting and coming home to find your little worker has looted something with a 0.01% drop, or a heap of valuable items. Smart botting leads to fun and profitable times.
Well all i know is if i get banned im not going to buy again, i will just play some new games or some old ones i once liked ...seeing how Bliz is trashing ROS it seems, by not doing what they have said in the past for the game to grow. So if im banned (meh) i will not cry about it and will report back on here to tell you guys what happened. =]
Lol, you do no gold selling, mass farming, or any relevant botting at all; yet have never been banned. Every now and then you level an alt or grab a set of pvp gear. Would be more impressive if you did get banned. Great post.

Lads, I don't think he's acting like that. He's just sharing his experience and any input he can.

I appreciate it OP; this is the kind of stuff which keeps the community going and happy/humming when everyone contributes.
Well ive been botting not for as long, since 2013. Lost two accounts. Both during the Great Ban Waves of 2015. I was collateral damage in a bigger problem. Im hoping blizzard have learnt their lesson from that ban wave (and how it destroyed their population numbers by the amount of guilds it broke up).

Ive never been caught and reported out of these ban waves. I have now have suicide accounts for grindy stuff I need.
After Glider sadfully went down (damn U Blizz), I went to eBot - was terrible.. Stumbled on HB a few months later (and a few bans from eBot) I really really enjoyed gatherbuddy - flying and picking flowers :)
I'd just like to throw in my 2 cents. appart from being caught in the previous ban wave (when the bot was actually detected by blizzard) I have also never been banned in 9 years of botting. although I never did PVp with the bot, I used it purely for gold, I have botted (over the years) I would estimate close to 10-20 Million gold. My "secret" is the same as his, at max level, never use public profiles, I used to have a guildmate who botted who said he would download every public one he could find, then go around to all the places on his server and report anyone he could find in those areas to try and kill off competition.

I personally always used a separate account and always used my own profiles, have only been banned once, and that was in nov/dec 2015 when the bot was detected by blizzard. I've had serious binges as well, in one binge I left the bot running for almost 3 months, logging on and off only for Tuesday downtimes. if your in low pop places, you can still earn decent gold and reduce the risk.