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My fun just ended [Main account suspended]


New Member
Jun 14, 2014
This happened about 10 minutes ago.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?


2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:

Latest release

3)If so, when was the last time?:

The bot was on when I was issued the suspension.

4)What profile were you using?:

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

Default Holy Paladin

6)What plugins are you using?:

Cavaplugin along with all the standard ones

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

Easily between 5-14h a day. I however never left it unsupervised for more than a minute while doing so.

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?


9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

It certainly wasn't.

12)EU or US realm?


13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

This was my main account, so an actual paid one.

14)Background information.

Basically what I did was I recruited myself yesterday and bought a battlechest. Everything went smooth as fuck, once I reached lv15 I switched to Dungeonbuddy. Left it on for the night(I had botted for over 12h at the point I was issued the ban). Also, I didn't even get a whisp from GM, nothing. So i'm assuming this was an autoban sent out from their system. Note that I was only banned on my main account. Not the recently created one(wtf)?

Now I do realise that it was retarded botting for over 12h a day, but i've been doing it for 3 years without any complications.

My question to you guys is, now that my account is and will stay flagged for an eternity. Should I just give up and quit botting? If I decided to turn on the bot once more for another session, would the system auto-detect it and ban me instantly?
To avoid getting banned on my secondary account then, should I change IP and such?

Horrible and offensive forum name aside, you're getting bans and suspensions mixed. Were you banned or were you suspended?

You said you never left the bot unattended for more than a minute, yet you go on to say that you let it run overnight. Again, which one is it?

People can play for 16+ hours and never get flagged. Did you actually queue with other players on both accounts? If so, there's your problem.
I'm sorry if my post confused you. I've calmed down a bit now. I was temporarily suspended(72h).

My circadian rythm is messed up, I sleep during the day. Even thought I supervised the bot at all times, they must have found it suspicious somehow.

I was only running instances with my RaF character, no others.
I'm sorry if my post confused you. I've calmed down a bit now. I was temporarily suspended(72h).

My circadian rythm is messed up, I sleep during the day. Even thought I supervised the bot at all times, they must have found it suspicious somehow.

I was only running instances with my RaF character, no others.

Ah, gotcha. I would ride out the suspension and wait for the smoke to clear. You'll likely be alright on your main. I'm not incredibly familiar with RAF stuff, but a 72 hour is likely an automated trigger.

Refrain from botting on your main for a bit (maybe a week or two) just in case a GM decides to keep an eye on you. Just my $0.02.
Thank you for the advice!

As for my secondary account. Should I change my IP and use it for botting instead? I still find it weird that I didn't get banned on it as well.
Ehh, I wouldn't worry too much about going through the ropes of changing IPs and stuff considering it was just a suspension.

I missed the part that your main got slapped, not the new BC toon. I'd recommend either taking a break from botting for a bit or leveling via a quest pack like Kick's or Cava's. Personally I've never had any issues with quest botting.
I've been using Cava's a bit. Would you say it'd be safe to use it on my main as soon as I get my account back?
I've been using Cava's a bit. Would you say it'd be safe to use it on my main as soon as I get my account back?
Yes and no... there's no telling whether or not a GM will keep an eye on you once your suspension is up. Anytime I've been suspended, I've stayed legit for at least a week just in case. There's no right or wrong answer, though, as any account that's had action taken on it in the past is likely permaflagged and can be watched at any time.

The general rule of thumb is to never bot on any accounts you can't afford to lose. It sounds like a redundant cliche, but it's very true. In essence, it's completely up to you as to whether or not the risk is worth the reward.