Hi, I have HB and I have click to move activated in wow. And I have paid for HB for 1 year.
I've downloaded Horde 68-81 and put it into Default Profiles. Because I've got an 73 Mage and right not he is in DragonBlight.
I've been loaded Western Northrend 68-80.mesh in HB and all this. I have EN on my keboard and that!
Now to the problem. Ive startet HB WoW logged my mage and everything the bot will do is casting spell on him self and mount. He wont move. Any one knowing the problem?
I've downloaded Horde 68-81 and put it into Default Profiles. Because I've got an 73 Mage and right not he is in DragonBlight.
I've been loaded Western Northrend 68-80.mesh in HB and all this. I have EN on my keboard and that!
Now to the problem. Ive startet HB WoW logged my mage and everything the bot will do is casting spell on him self and mount. He wont move. Any one knowing the problem?