[04:51:36.415 N] [DefaultCombat] Level: 35
[04:51:36.415 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: Trooper
[04:51:36.506 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Vanguard (AssaultSpecialist)
Reason: Current quest behavior changed to UserDialogTag: DialogFinished: True, DialogMessage: This profile is only tested for Consulars. You can use it for non-Consular classes, but it completes 0 class quests for non-Consulars! Feel free to give correctly developed profile syntax and specific places to put said syntax at!, DialogTitle: Kick, QuestId: 0, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IsDoneCache: True, Behavior: null, .
right now its trying to complete Critical Sabotage, but it cant. try turning it in manually and try it again, although you should probably be using a diffrent profile, one that supports your class.