let me just say, long bumpy road for this account, im DONE botting on it because literally, it has pushed the envelope.
Start- Got about 4 suspensions for 48/72 hours, had a leveling service, (thleveling.com) <- Blows btw complete scam used account to farm gold. Finally, got it closed from the repeated offenses, I emailed them about being keylogged, etc. Account restored.
End- Just got unbanned. Was using HB2 BETA! Beta as in use at own risk, i know. So using HB2B and i know that my char got stuck in one of those run back and forth loops for like 3 hours bc i fell asleep on my couch watching it, anyway, so I call them acting teh noob bc i never got an email, end up recovering one of my old account that im now gonna get an 80 WAR off of and transfer him onto my good (survivor) account..... err, Back on track, so I email them about 5 hours ago about how ive been moving blabla my brother was on my account, (true story i swear
) come back its banned, well holay Sheeit i check my email right now before going to sleep... Account RESTORED lmfao shwing! 2 Permabanhammers hit me then some sexay layday with a soft pair of hands put some ice on my bhammed up face.. Thank you world.. Anyway, got over 200k honor and a good amount of gold off it all so im ok with that. Plus 2 80's.
Start- Got about 4 suspensions for 48/72 hours, had a leveling service, (thleveling.com) <- Blows btw complete scam used account to farm gold. Finally, got it closed from the repeated offenses, I emailed them about being keylogged, etc. Account restored.
End- Just got unbanned. Was using HB2 BETA! Beta as in use at own risk, i know. So using HB2B and i know that my char got stuck in one of those run back and forth loops for like 3 hours bc i fell asleep on my couch watching it, anyway, so I call them acting teh noob bc i never got an email, end up recovering one of my old account that im now gonna get an 80 WAR off of and transfer him onto my good (survivor) account..... err, Back on track, so I email them about 5 hours ago about how ive been moving blabla my brother was on my account, (true story i swear