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My BAN experience after years of botting... My story.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2011
So, I have been botting since beginning of cataclysm. I always had 1 main account + 1 slave (bot) account.

I always used all kind of botbases: dungeonbuddy, grinding, gathering, battlegrounds, and even arena bots.

Until last month, I had received only 2 bans, and all of them lifted after a ticket telling I was innocent.

- Ban for trading high ammount of gold inter-accounts (my bot account to my main account)
- Grinding at the same place for 4 levels. (grind-levelling).

I botted the whole CATA, with no bans. Heavy botting with gatherbuddy in uldum. No bans.

Then... about 1 month ago... I got banned at my gathering account. Opened a ticket, the ban was lifted. Restarted botting. After 1 week, I was perma-banned: "Use of bots".

I hellraised then an old account (lvl 85 char), and botted for about a month at level 85 areas: Uldum, vash'jir (aquatic form). Gathered tons of herbs and ore. NO BAN.

Then I decided to try levelling the account to 90. Bought MOP expansion, and levelled from 85 to 90 at the kota-peak cave. (grind from 85 to 90, nostop). No ban yet.

When I dinged 90, started gathering with GB2. No other types of bot activity except from an occasional lazyriding 5 mans.

When I decided I needed some improved gathering, I used my personal profile + rarekiller2 (modified version) + gathebuddy bot to camp FORAGER'S GLOVES.

I went to bed. Next day woke up and I had the gloves.

Then I went to work, and left my druid gathering with forager gloves. Plugins up were:

Mr. Item Remover
Auto Blacklist
Tidy Bags
Potion User.

Profile used was:

Dragofarm [GB2] Ghost iron ore only.xml

I wanted to avoid the evil trees at jade forest.

When I was at work, received an e-mail at my phone: Your account was banned: hacks. Appealing was unsuccessful.


Advice from a very experienced botter.



See you friends. I am away from botworld until things get safe again and the team discover how it is being detected.

It seems that the honorbuddy team keeps the SILENCE about what is happening, as they dont want the chaos to spred and that would affect bot sales. But unfortunately: GATHERBUDY IS BEING DETECTED SOMEHOW.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? GATHERBUDDY

2)If so, when was the last time?: MAY 02 2013

3)What profile were you using?: Drogofarm[GB2] Ghost iron ore only

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: DRUID FERAL SINGULAR

5)What plugins are you using?: mr item remover. auto blacklist, tidybags, potion user

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 12-18

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

7)How many auctions per day did you have?: not many last days, usually 100+

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? not

9)Was your account involved in gold selling? not

10)EU or US realm? US BRAZIL

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? PAID


Conta: wowmygod
Ofensa: Uso de Bots ou de Software de Automatiza??o de Terceiros

A Blizzard encerrou esta licen?a do World of Warcraft depois de nela ter identificado o uso de bots ou outro software de batota.

Estes programas (conhecidos como programas de batota, bots e hacks) automatizam certos aspetos de jogabilidade, ou oferecem vantagens e habilidades que n?o est?o de acordo com o desenho do jogo. Este tipo de batota afeta a experi?ncia dos outros jogadores e severamente desiquilibra o ambiente de jogo."
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Srry for your loss dude, Yep that profile is very high on NPH and atm is dangerous for more than 2-3 hours per day as are most of my profiles. hope the ban didnt hit u too hard and i hope u are able to recupe losses.
Word on the street is that an update for gb2 may be on the way, but it dosnt matter what profile u use atm, botting for longer than 2-3 hours per day per acc is flat out dangerous :(
Srry for your loss dude, Yep that profile is very high on NPH and atm is dangerous for more than 2-3 hours per day as are most of my profiles. hope the ban didnt hit u too hard and i hope u are able to recupe losses.
Word on the street is that an update for gb2 may be on the way, but it dosnt matter what profile u use atm, botting for longer than 2-3 hours per day per acc is flat out dangerous :(

I think it doesn't matter any more how many hours per day you are botting - the server-side detection mechanics (waypoints?) will cumulate your movements and eventually you will hit the ban threshold.
If you bot 2-3 hrs a day, you will only hit that threshold at a later moment than when you bot 24/7.

This would explain those "quasi-random" bans, we all can read about on this forum ..
Its not only Pandaria Gatherbuddy. I got my Ban while i lvl profession in elwynn forest (!). It was a new character. ;/
May be just a coincidence but I too got a GB2 ban a day after I got the FORAGER'S GLOVES. Have been using GB2 for 3 months on that toon before the ban.
Sad for you zuabros. I have exactly the same story (24/24 gathering on Cata) and started botting with thebuddy at the same time. I used all your great profile to level my bots and gather ore/herb. Got a ban on my main last week for grinding Alani (10h per day, never tried gathering herb/ore). Got 2 WoW on this bnet account and the 2nd one didn't get ban (hopefully, got tons of great title/feat of strenght, mount shared, etc... :). Trying to level a new account with gathering prof but dunno if i will gather on MoP.
With the new profession leveling system (Blacksmithing) mining under MoP should be dangerous more than under LK/Cata...
Kind of shitty to say Gatherbuddy in Pandaria isnt safe, my druid is still going strong and has been since drop of MoP.
Hold your horses. You got banned using a public gathering profile? NOOOO WAAAAY?!?!
You say botting in pandaria can be detected but if it really was this forum would be flooded with ban reports.
Besides that it wont make sence that blizzard would make something that detects botting in pandaria and not in other zones.

You got reported or they watch pandaria closly.
even dungeonbuddy isnt safe i tryed to bot 5 raf buddys and got banned also while just standing at one place i think the movement is detected or something with poi i dont know but ive been botted for 2 years also without getting a ban then afther that time my bans got started im not getting any new accounts til it get rudeced i wil try again 5 raf buddys afther the new xpac is release i think they start banning people because the new xpack comes out soon