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[Multiprofile] Mountet nach Farmrelog nicht auf.


New Member
Mar 12, 2011
Heyho Leute,
Ich hab folgendes Problem.
Und zwar geht es um das "Multiprofile". Zu allererst, ja es ist die aktuellste Version aus dem SVN.

Alles l?uft erstmal Perfekt. Einstellungen sind schnell erledigt. Starten mit dem Farmchar. Er fliegt zum Portal, nutzt es, Farmt im ausgew?hlten Gebiet.
Wenn die Zeit abgelaufen ist, dann nutzt er einbandfrei seinen Ruhestein, verschickt Post und logt auf den Bankchar.
Auch da stellt er alles TOP ins AH, bringt das Gold in die Gildenbank und relogt danach auf den Farmer.

Nun kommt das Problem jedoch das HB scheinbar nicht "checkt" das er wieder fliegen kann.
Er soll im grunde mit

<FlyToAction Dismount="True" Location="-8211.333, 402.3037, 117.2938" />

Ja zum Portal fliegen (hier als Beispiel Hyjal). Jedoch mountet er nicht auf, er versucht es nichtmals.

Wenn ich den Ruhestein vom Farmer in Stormwind im Zwergendistrikt habe, l?uft er erstmal gegen diese Questwand (Heldenaufruf ged?ns).. irgendwann nach ca 5-8 versuchen schafft er es daran vorbei und versucht zum Portal zu laufen, was ihm aber nicht gelingt da er dennoch die "flytoaction" im system hat.. somit pingt er im Torbogen hinter der Questwand immer vor und zur?ck. Wenn ich nichts unternehme geht es unendlich so weiter, mounte ich jedoch manuell in der Situation auf, dann fliegt er wie gewollt zum Portal.. Bis zum n?chsten mal wenn er wieder in der Situation steckt.

Langer Text, kurze Frage: Hat jemand ebenfalls das Problem und konnte es l?sen? Oder irgendein Tip oder Hinweis wie man das ganze zum laufen kriegt?

Vielen vielen dank im vorraus.

English, Ok i will Try it. Sorry if its not realy good^^

I use the profile named "Multiprofile" with ProfessionBuddy.

All is perfect at the beginning. Set settings are very easy.
I Starts with my Farmchar(Farmer). He fly to the Portal and use it. Gather in the random Area without any Problems.
If the random-time is done, he go back to Stormwind, Send mail and log on my Bankchar(banker). Put all Items without Problems in the AH and deposit Gold in Guildbank.

Now comes my Problem:
He relog on the Farmer. Try "<FlyToAction Dismount="True" Location="-8211.333, 402.3037, 117.2938" />" but he cant fly. He dont try to fly.

If the hearthstone set in dwarfdistrict he stuck on the "questwallet". After 5-8 Trys he unstuck.. But Cant move to the Portals without mount. He run Back and Forward...Back and Forward... No chance.

If i use manually my mount, no problems, he fly to the portal and use it... but next time.. same problem.

Long Text, Short Question: Anybody have the Problem too and have a Solution? Or any Tip or Information how i can fix this?

He try to fly without use the mount... He dont use the mount, i believe he think that he cant fly.
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[15:33:29:352] Multiprofile: Using Portal to Hyjal
[15:33:29:529] Loading Azeroth_31_47
[15:33:29:667] Loading Azeroth_31_48
[15:33:29:827] Loading Azeroth_30_47
[15:33:30:026] Loading Azeroth_31_49
[15:33:30:140] Loading Azeroth_30_49
[15:33:30:250] Loading Azeroth_29_48
[15:33:30:307] Successfully generated path from {-8872.538, 652.4211, 96.83988} to {-8211.333, 402.3037, 117.2938} in 640 milliseconds
[15:33:30:334] Activity: Flying to location <-8211.333, 402.3037, 117.2938>
[15:33:35:065] Unloading tiles!
[15:33:35:071] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[15:33:35:071] Loading Azeroth_30_48
[15:33:35:438] Activity: Flying to location <-8211.333, 402.3037, 117.2938>
[15:33:36:327] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[15:33:36:327] Loading Azeroth_31_47
[15:33:36:458] Loading Azeroth_31_48
[15:33:36:614] Loading Azeroth_30_47
[15:33:36:812] Loading Azeroth_31_49
[15:33:36:930] Loading Azeroth_30_49
[15:33:37:037] Loading Azeroth_29_48
[15:33:37:097] Successfully generated path from {-8844.441, 661.6429, 97.84464} to {-8211.333, 402.3037, 117.2938} in 641 milliseconds
[15:33:37:099] Activity: Flying to location <-8211.333, 402.3037, 117.2938>
[15:33:41:283] [STUCK] Got stuck at <-8844.195, 661.3502, 100.2826> on map 0
[15:33:41:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[15:33:41:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: True
[15:33:41:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[15:33:41:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[15:33:41:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[15:33:41:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: True
[15:33:41:289] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[15:33:45:547] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
[15:33:45:654] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[15:33:51:978] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 2
[15:34:00:184] Bot wird gestoppt!
[15:34:00:184] Stop called!
[15:34:00:195] PB 1.273:Stop Called

This is now in Stormwind, Tradedistrikt. On left side from the auctionhouse.

And here is my full Log and my Settings in Multiprofile as Screenshot


  • 11.01.2012_15_18 3724 Log.txt
    11.01.2012_15_18 3724 Log.txt
    35.6 KB · Views: 81
  • settings.webp
    34.5 KB · Views: 97
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Any idea?

By the way, i set the farmtime short because i want a new, actually log.
But its the same error as with long times.

Nobody can Help ?!
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HB caches a list of player mounts and it's refreshed every 5 mins. After switching from banker to farmer HB the profile checks to see if the cached list contains any flying mounts and waits up to 5 mins if none are found.The list contains 0 flying mounts if the cache was refreshed last while on banker assuming banker has no flying mounts. This caching is what caused the bug many were experiencing with this profile where the bot wouldn't mount up after switching from banker to farmer.
Quote from another Thread.

How i can fix it?
My Farmer never mount up...
Sometimes i get the same problem, too.
Atm i dont know how to fix it.