i goggled for at least 45 seconds and did not see any "command line" ability to specify a import or settings file for use with the task scheduler.
As i mentioned i did not find anything but instead of complaining i wrote a batch file. with almost no imagination i wrote 3 more now i switch profiles like a champ.
any one with questions on how to make a batch file please visit
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As i mentioned i did not find anything but instead of complaining i wrote a batch file. with almost no imagination i wrote 3 more now i switch profiles like a champ.
:: This is t begining of Code block Copy from here to the end of code block then save as file.bat
:: First setup HBrelog the way you want it for the FIRST RUN then COPY SETTINGS.XML to FIRSTRUN.XML
:: Second setup HBrelog the way you want it for te SECOND RUN then COPY SETTINGS.XML to SECONDRUN.XML
:: by analysing the lines above you should be able to make as many profiles as you like--^
::copy the existing file to a temp file
copy C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\HighVoltz\Setting.xml C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\HighVoltz\Temp.xml
::run a ping to nowhere to generate a slight delay
ping 1 > nul
::Copy the Settings.XML i made earlier !!Use an actual settings file not an export version!!
copy C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\HighVoltz\FIRSTRUN.xml C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\HighVoltz\Setting.xml
::run a ping to nowhere to generate a slight delay
ping 1 > nul
:: Change the line below to match the directory of the executable
::This is the end of the code Block contents can be saved t oa text file and saved as a BATCH file also known as .bat
any one with questions on how to make a batch file please visit
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