Hi there honorbuddy community long time reader here with a few questions, hope you guys can help me out.
Recently on Twitch i saw a german guy who was farming Cata 25m Heroic dungeon with a full raid of 20 chars that he was multiboxing.
I asked him why he was doing this and he told me simply for the gold, that he was making 4-5 million gold a week. The reason for this was that he had on each account 12 level 100 and by doing the cata raids with all his chars ( 20 at once ) the gold reward per boss was 2000-3000 g . Each char received the exact amount from gold looted as if you were to do it alone.
So what i want to do so please advise me if any of my planing or calculations are wrong, because i know some changes are coming.
5 x battle chests accounts each with 10x 100 chars on them How much time does it take to level a them if i use RAF + heirlooms
From what i saw on youtube a run of Cata 25MAN H raids gives you 4000-5000 g without vendor drops
50x 5000=250.000g x 4 = 1 million - 500.000g ( tokens) = 500.000g a month Even with the nerfs is this gold achievebale ?
How safe is it to level the char in our days ? Is questing or dungeon grouping faster/ safer
Once all of my chars are leveled i will stop using the bot and manual multibox farm the raids.
Recently on Twitch i saw a german guy who was farming Cata 25m Heroic dungeon with a full raid of 20 chars that he was multiboxing.
I asked him why he was doing this and he told me simply for the gold, that he was making 4-5 million gold a week. The reason for this was that he had on each account 12 level 100 and by doing the cata raids with all his chars ( 20 at once ) the gold reward per boss was 2000-3000 g . Each char received the exact amount from gold looted as if you were to do it alone.
So what i want to do so please advise me if any of my planing or calculations are wrong, because i know some changes are coming.
5 x battle chests accounts each with 10x 100 chars on them How much time does it take to level a them if i use RAF + heirlooms
From what i saw on youtube a run of Cata 25MAN H raids gives you 4000-5000 g without vendor drops
50x 5000=250.000g x 4 = 1 million - 500.000g ( tokens) = 500.000g a month Even with the nerfs is this gold achievebale ?
How safe is it to level the char in our days ? Is questing or dungeon grouping faster/ safer
Once all of my chars are leveled i will stop using the bot and manual multibox farm the raids.