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Multibox Questions


New Member
Jul 15, 2016
Hi there honorbuddy community long time reader here with a few questions, hope you guys can help me out.

Recently on Twitch i saw a german guy who was farming Cata 25m Heroic dungeon with a full raid of 20 chars that he was multiboxing.
I asked him why he was doing this and he told me simply for the gold, that he was making 4-5 million gold a week. The reason for this was that he had on each account 12 level 100 and by doing the cata raids with all his chars ( 20 at once ) the gold reward per boss was 2000-3000 g . Each char received the exact amount from gold looted as if you were to do it alone.

So what i want to do so please advise me if any of my planing or calculations are wrong, because i know some changes are coming.

5 x battle chests accounts each with 10x 100 chars on them How much time does it take to level a them if i use RAF + heirlooms

From what i saw on youtube a run of Cata 25MAN H raids gives you 4000-5000 g without vendor drops
50x 5000=250.000g x 4 = 1 million - 500.000g ( tokens) = 500.000g a month Even with the nerfs is this gold achievebale ?
How safe is it to level the char in our days ? Is questing or dungeon grouping faster/ safer

Once all of my chars are leveled i will stop using the bot and manual multibox farm the raids.
You need:
Accounts + Subscriptions
Hardware that can handle this amount of wow instances
A lot of time leveling and giving basic gear to the chars
A lot of money and time for buying and setting up multiboxer setup

I really really doubt that at the end of the day all this effort is worth it in return of investment.
Multiboxing is art and makes a lot of fun. I tried it with 4 chars but the amount of time to set everything up should not be underestimated.
You need:
Accounts + Subscriptions
Hardware that can handle this amount of wow instances
A lot of time leveling and giving basic gear to the chars
A lot of money and time for buying and setting up multiboxer setup

I really really doubt that at the end of the day all this effort is worth it in return of investment.
Multiboxing is art and makes a lot of fun. I tried it with 4 chars but the amount of time to set everything up should not be underestimated.

The keys are free ( Warcraft movie )
My plan would be to level the chars in 2 weeks so that i can 2 resets to pay for the next 30 days with tokens.

Since 1 level 100 can solo all the Cata 25 raids i can just put the other 4 chars on follow or hotkey 1 spell.
My computer can handle 5 wow instances at one time.

I am more concerned about the leveling time + banning risk and the gold loot nerf that come in legion.
ISBOXER is the multibox program your talking about if your running full raid team.

running 20 toons on 1 computer or multi computers is what will cost you money.Running 20 toon with bots will cost you a lot of money € 59.98 a year for 3 bots x7 = € 419.86 a year for 20 bots. just € 35 a month

most all botters can make 100k+ gold a week off 1 toon . if your goal is a million gold a month you only need 3 toons

i only bot 3 or 4 hours a day with 9 accounts .only run 2 or 3 accounts at a time. i still make 300k or so a week . if your not selling gold or giving it away 300k gold a week piles up fast . 27 million in banks and nothing to spend it on. no reason to buy gear for bots they just need basic gear to farm. no reason to buy materials for professions you can farm it. mounts and pets you can farm them too.