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Multibotters Guide, aRelog and ProfessionBuddy


Aug 8, 2011
This is a translation of Multibotter Guide. aRelog and ProfessionBuddy.
I take no credit of this as I only translated as requested by CodeNameG. I am not a translator; I simply used Google translate then corrected all of the English (English is my first language).


What can the tool do?
  • It can relog after a DC.
  • HB + WoW starts with a single click, supports an infinite number of accounts.
  • Can create a "Schedule" meaning the work plan, according to the sense farm X, X Pause, make, etc.

Where can I get the tool?
[Test] ARelog - A Simple Free relogging for Buddy

How do I start the tool?
aRelog is an external executable, which will start WoW + Honorbuddy. Therefore you can just click on the exe and you're off! (There is an auto updater included which will download once a new version has been released.)

The startup Screen
Start All - This will start all accounts.
Start Selected - This will start only the currently highlighted session.
Selected Schedule - Here you will find many useful functions, which I will go again in a special section! It is commonly said to use the "Work Plan" or "schedule" of the bot.
Add - This adds a new account.

The Add Screen
B.Net email - Battle.net email here.
B.Net Password - Enter the appropriate password for Battle.net here.
Account Name - Enter here the name of your account if you have multiple under 1 Battle.net account.
Character Realm - Enter the realm where the character is located.
Character name - The characters name you wish to login with. Special characters accepted.
WoW Path - Double click then go to your world of warcraft folder and find wow.exe (Usually C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft)
Buddy Path - Same here but for the honorbuddy executable.
Custom Class - Select which CC you want it to use.
Window Size - Here you can change their window size.
Window Location - It sets the location of the window on the screen.
Auto Start - Automatically starts HB after WoW. This should always be enabled.
Act Slow - Slows the login code process and makes it more "human". Can possibly improve on PC's with weak performance.
Delete Account - Deletes the created account, if he is no longer needed.
Cancel - Closes the window without saving changes.
Save & Close - Closes the window and saves any changes.

Creating a Schedule
Now that you've added an account, you can see "Select Schedule" to add a timetable for the bot. This screen is kept very simple and looks like this:


Here I have already added two "tasks", to help with this guide.

Loop Taks - Repeats the established pattern until, well, forever, as long as nothing goes wrong.
Remove Selected - Removes the selected task.
Edit Selected - If you want to change something about the current task. You can change it here.
Add - The most important button! Creates a new task.
Bot Name - Here you can add all the bots you have.
Profile Path - Profile of what the bot will use.
Run Time - Here you can specify the duration in hours.
Randomize Run Time - Not certain what this does but I guess it randomizes the duration so it seems less bot like.
Change Character - If you want to change character from farming character to banking character you can do so here.

As this is only a translation the rest of the guide will become available when the original thread is updated.
Always nice to see someone taking time to provide for others.
As for the scheduling part..Am I understanding this right? For gathering, you name your schedule Gatherbuddy2 - run time = however long you want it to run? And then, make a new task called idle and this will dictate how long of a break its gonna take?