I would like to edit mulligan rules in a scpecific way. Is it possible to create a mulligan filter that will correspond to keeping/discarding cards based on your entire hand?
For example, what If i only and only wish to keep fel reaver when I have spellbreaker in my hand. Or in terms of current mulligan algorithm, i want to Mulligan Fel Reaver if I don't have spellbreaker and vice versa.
One way to "manually" do it would be to iterate over all cards, check if the combo you want is in your hand, and then create a mulligan rule depending on that outcome? Is there a cleaner way to do it?
For example, what If i only and only wish to keep fel reaver when I have spellbreaker in my hand. Or in terms of current mulligan algorithm, i want to Mulligan Fel Reaver if I don't have spellbreaker and vice versa.
One way to "manually" do it would be to iterate over all cards, check if the combo you want is in your hand, and then create a mulligan rule depending on that outcome? Is there a cleaner way to do it?