P plyb0y007 Member Joined Dec 19, 2010 Messages 179 Mar 31, 2012 #1 Is there anything in the works to have Honorbuddy work with the MoP Beta? Leveling up a panda is boring
Is there anything in the works to have Honorbuddy work with the MoP Beta? Leveling up a panda is boring
Hawkiz New Member Joined Feb 1, 2012 Messages 571 Mar 31, 2012 #2 lol, HB doesnt support MOP yet.. let us get to live MOP before we start making profiles xD the Beta is too buggy atm.. - btw, if you dont like leveling a panda.. stop playing wow xD they are insanely OP ;D
lol, HB doesnt support MOP yet.. let us get to live MOP before we start making profiles xD the Beta is too buggy atm.. - btw, if you dont like leveling a panda.. stop playing wow xD they are insanely OP ;D
Lovemonkey New Member Joined Nov 15, 2011 Messages 477 Mar 31, 2012 #3 the point of beta is to actually play, the fuck is the point in botting in something like a beta?