Monktastic - Windwalker DPS Support Thread
Info and Buddy Store link
Information about Monktastic and where to get it
can be found here: Buddy Store: Monktastic - Windwalker DPS
Version 2.5 Released!
For updated Features and pictures check the Buddy Store LINK!
Usage and troubleshooting of the Buddy Store
General usage and troubleshooting of the Buddy Store:
Guide for using and troubleshooting streaming Buddy Store products
Questions and troubleshooting regarding Monktastic
If you have any questions about the routine that is not answered in the Buddy Store link
please post in this thread and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you are experiencing trouble or think you have found a bug
please post a description of it in this forum with a log attached.
How to find and attach the log:
Guide attach log
Beta testing:
If you are an active player and are not afraid to test new features and help improve the routine please contact me with a pm.
This will require you to report frequently to me with your experience and findings.
Info and Buddy Store link
Information about Monktastic and where to get it
can be found here: Buddy Store: Monktastic - Windwalker DPS
Version 2.5 Released!
For updated Features and pictures check the Buddy Store LINK!
Usage and troubleshooting of the Buddy Store
General usage and troubleshooting of the Buddy Store:
Guide for using and troubleshooting streaming Buddy Store products
Questions and troubleshooting regarding Monktastic
If you have any questions about the routine that is not answered in the Buddy Store link
please post in this thread and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you are experiencing trouble or think you have found a bug
please post a description of it in this forum with a log attached.
How to find and attach the log:
Guide attach log
Beta testing:
If you are an active player and are not afraid to test new features and help improve the routine please contact me with a pm.
This will require you to report frequently to me with your experience and findings.
BRF Quick Guide:
Gruul: Turn off everything but cooldowns. Serenity/Chi Brew
Oregorger: Turn off everything but cooldowns. Serenity/Chi Brew
Beastlord: Turn on everything if you're allowed to AOE adds. If not, turn off AOE. Ascension/Chi Explosion. Macro SEF cancelaura macro and hit it everytime adds come out to cleave on them instead of spears.
Flamebender: Turn on everything. Ascension/Chi Explosion
Hans and Frans: Turn on everything except AOE. Ascension/Chi Explosion
Operator: Turn on everything. Ascension/Chi Explosion
Blast Furnace: Turn off everything but cooldowns. Turn on SEF for the first phase with Operators out, but make sure you cancel your clones before you turn it off. Serenity/Chi Brew. You will not rank on this fight because the rankers are padding. This is actually a single target fight, despite so much potential AOE
Kromog: Turn off everything but cooldowns. When hands come out, manually turn on SEF and try to get in a hand surrounded by other hands so you can spin. Serenity/Chi Brew
Iron Maidens: Turn on everything except AOE. Ascension/Chi Explosion
Blackhand: Turn off everything but cooldowns. Serenity/Chi Brew. If you're getting sent up to the rafters, turn on SEF.
Alright, checking in with some tips. Here are my stats for mythic gruul:
Single target Talents:
For AOE fights, heres a crazy Operator thogar parse:
Aoe Talents:
Few tips:
- The KEY to parsing for AOE fights is perfect Chi Bursts. I recommend setting it to 2, but also making sure you're setting it up to hit EVERY POSSIBLE TARGET manually.
- ST fights are pretty plug and play. Just pick my talents and stick on the boss like glue. The only skill invovled with the CR is popping manual TEB's when you get a trinket proc if you're above 10 stacks, but thats like 200-500 dps increase.
- For fights where you can touch mulitple times, get off the boss and go for a touch on cooldown. Touch of Death will put you at the top of the meters if you cheese it. You can use it multiple times on many fights, just look out for adds that can be touched and go up to them and press it.
My reasoning for defensives are expel harm is always a DPS loss, but if you're at 10% and an expel harm could save your life, might as well use it. Healing pot above 20% is most likely a waste cause you're gonna get bomb healed anyway out of death range.
Make sure to not use Enyo hotkey for disabling the CR. Just bind "Manual Mode" in the Hotkey settings and use it to disable the CR. That way, the CR detects talent changes you make. If you disable through Enyo, the CR will NOT recognize changes made to talents/glyphs.
Essentially you're using these glyphs:
For ONLY single target butcher fights like Gruul/Butcher, you will use glyph of touch of death and replace touch of karma glyph, since you're sitting in melee range for the entire fight anyway.
Water Roll because it makes Chi Torpedo usable during trash. There's a bug where chi torpedo doesnt tick as much as its supposed to without glyph of water roll. It's a lot of burst and it also means you can turn on cooldowns for trash and your Xuen wont be used, since you're not specced into him.
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