Quick questions:
1) What information does Blizzard need to ban you based on a player report. All I do is monitored botting. Earlier this week someone sent me a tell and called me on botting. I replied immediately with a witty remark that only a human would make and diffused the situation but if I were to be reported what kind of information would Blizzard be looking for? Is their report enough? I should note that I bot in VERY small increments. Usually no more than 3 hours at a time 3 times a week or so.
2) I am getting a pretty good stash of gold and a buddy of mine who I have gamed with for years wants to throw me some dough for it. I have read over the best practices and am looking for a critique of my strategy.
I have a vanilla account that is idle. I was thinking of bringing it up and making a 1st level toon on my botting server and then adding him to my bank alt's guild. When I get him added I was going to clear the guild bank of gold with the vanilla account and then trade it to my buddy in person in small incriments. i.e. 10000 gold 10 times. I was also going to have him offer me an item for each transaction as I have heard this is a good practice.
Am I making things too complicated? Should I just transfer the gold to him on my botting account? I am anticipating that I will use the same method to sell to gold brokers (obviously a higher risk transaction). Does going through the vanilla account offer any additional protection?
Note: After playing the game for 5+ years I am sick of looking at it so I am not terribly worried about a perma ban, but I would like to extend the life of the bot as long as possible.
Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
1) What information does Blizzard need to ban you based on a player report. All I do is monitored botting. Earlier this week someone sent me a tell and called me on botting. I replied immediately with a witty remark that only a human would make and diffused the situation but if I were to be reported what kind of information would Blizzard be looking for? Is their report enough? I should note that I bot in VERY small increments. Usually no more than 3 hours at a time 3 times a week or so.
2) I am getting a pretty good stash of gold and a buddy of mine who I have gamed with for years wants to throw me some dough for it. I have read over the best practices and am looking for a critique of my strategy.
I have a vanilla account that is idle. I was thinking of bringing it up and making a 1st level toon on my botting server and then adding him to my bank alt's guild. When I get him added I was going to clear the guild bank of gold with the vanilla account and then trade it to my buddy in person in small incriments. i.e. 10000 gold 10 times. I was also going to have him offer me an item for each transaction as I have heard this is a good practice.
Am I making things too complicated? Should I just transfer the gold to him on my botting account? I am anticipating that I will use the same method to sell to gold brokers (obviously a higher risk transaction). Does going through the vanilla account offer any additional protection?
Note: After playing the game for 5+ years I am sick of looking at it so I am not terribly worried about a perma ban, but I would like to extend the life of the bot as long as possible.
Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!