BGs are the least problem with this bot. i've done them by the 1000s, 24 hours straight, on numerous characters over many years and zero problems.
just blacklist IoC and maybe EotS too (where the bot acts retarded) and you're set
The only people familiar with bots movements are bot masters. If they report each other its another story.
Agreed what plugin?"Use a plugin that doesn't make the bot act that way. I do"
What plugin would that be?
i use this plugin and it still runs the same path as everyone. mounts in the same exact spot as everyone else.if you used ultimate pvp suite you wouldn't have these problems. I have bloodthirsty and I have never been banned
Just don't use it, your problem is solved, why complain about it, just stop using it and you won't have any problem.i hope the dev shut down the bg bot its so lol to spot them all a lil 11 years kid can tell you who are a real player or not btw no matter how good is the botbase