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Mists Of Panderia Profiles


New Member
Apr 3, 2011
Hi guys,

I know that the beta has only been released for about 24hrs now. If no one who bots has gotten access yet that would see kinda strange. That being said im assuming that at least a couple of you guys have gotten into it (im still waiting on my invite, sadly). Is anyone working on profiles for it yet? Im anxious to see what comes out would be nice to have them ready for when the expansion actually comes out.
NO profiles will be made during the beta, try again when it gets live (5-6 months time)
could you be more vague? lol...during the beta seems like it would be the perfect time to get a head start...so why not?
beta from cata started 5-6 months before release
same like lick king and bc
Kick wont do any beta profiles unless he is told to.

So I wouldn't say there will be questing profiles ready.

What other users do, I have no idea.
Since bot is a mess on current patch/expansion i seriously doubt Pandaria gets any loving.
You probadly mean questing profiles (because gathering are so easy to made you can do it yourself) I remember during Cata beta, half of Hyjal was absolutely different that it is on live. Where the Circle of Cinders is now, with forests and rivers, on beta there was huge crater with BIG elemental in niddle, scorching everything around. Don't know how many quests have changed because of this zone change in later beta, but I understand why they (Kick and others...) don't want to make questing profiles now. Because nothing is final yet and everything can change. Lot of work will be wasted probadly.
some profile makers allready stated that they wont continue theyre work on mop, so i wouldnt xpct to much out of it.
MapGen - a GatherBuddy2 Profile maker

we will be collecting node locations during the Beta,
Meaning when live comes out, we will have profiles ready to go for GatherBuddy etc.
No point making questing profiles yet until things are at a more final stage.
o ok makes sence; i haven't gotten into making my own gather buddy profiles. Who all was saying they wouldn't be making profiles for MOP? I hope kick wasn't one of them I love his shit!
What happens if something changes in Z distances, whole profile is ruined many hours wasted... if you want the profiles so bad, make them yourself.
I've already gotten my beta inv so I'm testing things out right now. Although it has crossed my mind to start building beta profiles for gathering stuff. Wont be hard just time consuming plus if any changes are made I can update them and such during beta.
As for questing I'm also tempted to make some of those just to get the pandaren zone out of the way and maybe be used as a base profile.
I will be working on ways to do quest behaviors so profile devs can use them when it does come out live during the beta. I can get all the data needed and make them and then when MoP comes out I can update them simply and push them for release. There will be no profiles made but that is only the end task. There is a lot more that goes on then just profiles. While nothing is publicly released it is all being worked on.
I'll remind you, that HB wasn't released the first weeks of cataclysm release

So you'd have plenty of time to make some profiles on the live realm