Hi! Making a new thread since my old one seems kinda dead, i still have some issues with installing the program. Anyways.. I've downloaded the "installer.exe" and started it as an administrator, finish the installation, then when i open "Honorbuddy.exe" on my desktop i get up a window where i select my wow location, i select the "wow.exe", (the 32-bit version) then hit "Lunch". And boom error: http://sv.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=o...9#.V6EIbKKx_mg ,, Now this error asks me if i want to download this package manually, i click "Yes" and the website i get sent to is broken. So i've actually found what i think is the right version manually and tryed to install, however - when i do so i get this error: http://sv.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1...9#.V6EIhKKx_mg ,, I've also read the "BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:Missing Dependencies" I've done everything in under the line: "Repairing it manually" so i've removed: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 ,, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005-2016 x86 redistributable and the x64. After i manually removed theese, i uninstalled the bot, redownloaded it, then installed it again, then i get the same problem, i also started "Windows Update", however mine seems kinda broken. It's always stuck on "Checking for updates" so i dunno..
So.. I think i have tryed alot of things, im really asking here, can anyone please try to help me via Skype or whatever, because i really wanna try the bot again >.<
This is *ALL* my installed "programs" on my Computer atm: http://sv.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2...9#.V6Ij7KKx_mh ,, could be useful!
Thank you for reading all of this, please leave a comment if you have suggestions, take care!
So.. I think i have tryed alot of things, im really asking here, can anyone please try to help me via Skype or whatever, because i really wanna try the bot again >.<
This is *ALL* my installed "programs" on my Computer atm: http://sv.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2...9#.V6Ij7KKx_mh ,, could be useful!
Thank you for reading all of this, please leave a comment if you have suggestions, take care!