Hi guys,
I am new to the site and have to say enjoying your program immensely.
One thing i have noticed that i think could improve the program would be a pyrite node > Elementium node prioritization command for mining.
Seeing as this is gonna be the first node a typical end user would mine this would add to the programs ability to mimic a more natural human mining vs. AI.
If you guys could forward a link to help me load profiles for optimum routes too that would be crucial
Sorry for misspelling on title of Pyrite
Thanks a Ton,
P.s. Big thanks to kickazz and tony for your many helpful instructions in the setup and continuous updating for cataclysm.
I am new to the site and have to say enjoying your program immensely.
One thing i have noticed that i think could improve the program would be a pyrite node > Elementium node prioritization command for mining.
Seeing as this is gonna be the first node a typical end user would mine this would add to the programs ability to mimic a more natural human mining vs. AI.
If you guys could forward a link to help me load profiles for optimum routes too that would be crucial
Sorry for misspelling on title of Pyrite
Thanks a Ton,
P.s. Big thanks to kickazz and tony for your many helpful instructions in the setup and continuous updating for cataclysm.
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