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[Mining/Herbalism] Deepholm


Jan 29, 2010
This is my first Profile, but as there wasn't one up for Deepholm yet, and it's just dripping with nodes, I figured I'd throw one up. I haven't tested it too much, but it seems to be working well enough for now! It does get stuck on some underground nodes and weird terrain occasionally..

Pyrite, Elementium, Obsidium, Heartblossom, Cinderbloom, etc..



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You have to wait until 82, you can't enter Deepholm until then. You think you can whip up a badnodes.xml?
You have to wait until 82, you can't enter Deepholm until then. You think you can whip up a badnodes.xml?

You can get there if you make 2 pepole summon you, i did it on my toon, levled half way to 81 there only with mining :)
How was deepholm nerfed? THis is the second time I have read this but no explanations.
Cataclysm hotfix notes:


* Fishing skill gains were increasing too rapidly past 500 skill and have been adjusted.

* The tradeskill nodes were too dense in Deepholm and Twilight Highlands for Mining and Herbalism. Several have been removed.
Blizzard did remove many of the nodes in deepholm, on weds I could farm over 1k ores in under 3,5 hours but they did write on mmo champion that they did make lesss nodes there becasue of overfloting with ores on AH, to easy to farm gems aswell
its not nerfed....people just dont want other botters there

thats an assumption. I have been farming there since a day after release and it has just recently been heavily nerfed. Even with the shit storm of release i was mining non stop while questing before moving to farming and now im purely farming with far less people about and finding stuff all in comparison.
Deepholm is much less populated now than it was at release, so you will be finding more ore over time.. not more than the insane amount at release, but it should start going up. I average about 150-200 minerals/hr or so with this profile.

Here is my badNodes collection from running just this bot for the last 2 days, it should help you all avoid flying into the ground non-stop. There might be a couple that may be reachable on the list, but its far better than flying into the ground like a retard and getting reported.



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southeast of therazane's throne is 3-4 mines wich is in a cave, therefor it needs to be added to the badnodes.xml
Son of Kor hurts, 1 hit dead :( Not sure of his path but would be nice to avoid him :)

I'm horde, but the Son of Kor is on my team, i don't know if it is different for ally as I do not play them but he would have to be separated into an ally only profile. There is 3 nodes on his path that I would rather now miss :)
I am thinking of using this profile can any1 tell me if its working great and could u tell me how many ores/herbs u have in a few hours.

Greets Shouf!