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I am looking for a money making profile using Mining and Herbalism. Using PB of course. I want this profile to mine the best area for herbs and ores, mail them to my alt, repeat. Very simple.
Thank you
Does this profile-maker allow me to send the items to my alt? Also, if it's not too much trouble, would you mind making the profile or just briefly explain what zones and such I should use? Tbh I have no idea what zone the best ores and herbs are in
It varies based on your server/economy. For instance on my main server..almost everything sells really well. It's a very progressed server, quite a few high end raiding guilds so herbs/fish/ore or anything used for potions/crafting sells almost instantly! I also have alts on a smaller, less progressed server and some herbs just don't sell very well or sell very cheap (whiptail at 15g/stack, etc.. compared to 55-60g a stack on the other server.)
With that said, it will always be safer to make your own profiles! I don't know how many times when using public profiles I see 3-4 bots all going in the same path. It makes it very obvious those people are botting. I've never had that happen when using my own profiles. In fact...I've been in the same raiding guild for about 5 years..have used a bot for most of that time..and nobody, not one person in the guild suspects it! I guess they think I donate fish/herbs/materials out of the kindness of my heart. Really, it's just because I can't sell it faster than i collect it.
Does this profile-maker allow me to send the items to my alt? Also, if it's not too much trouble, would you mind making the profile or just briefly explain what zones and such I should use? Tbh I have no idea what zone the best ores and herbs are in
Under bot settings can you set your bot to mail to a alt.
About your profile for herb/mining, you have two scenarios:
Scenario 1: You look around the forum, find a public profile and use that.
Chances of getting banned this way: High
Scenario 2: You do your research, get stuff like gathermate2 and wowhead database - and find a route you like ingame. Afterwards you go use the profile maker and then fly the route.
Chances of getting banned this way: Medium-High
There will always be a "smaller" chance getting busted by using your own profiles, but a fisherman can always spot another fisherman from afar. likewise botters. And trust me, botters report each other to lower farming compition.